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    I've sentenced boys younger than you to the gas chamber. Didn't want to do it. I felt I owed it to them.

    I guess I'm in the minority here, but I thought this was a great episode! I laughed throughout all of it. I was really expecting it to get an A-. With Brent Spiner as the voice of the robots, does that mean there's any chance on Frakes or Sirtis commenting on this one?

    I too have only watched the movie once, absolultely loved it, and haven't watched it again. I watched this on VHS at a house party late 90s/early 00s. I didn't know anything about it. The host put it on mostly for background noise and wouldn't tell me anything else about it, other than "it's really good and telling

    You're so right!  That is the 3rd P&R product I want, but can't believe NBC isn't selling.  The other two are the KNOPE poster similar to the HOPE Barack Obama poster by Shepard Fairey from the Pawnee Zoo episode and the other is some Sweetums or Nutriyums bars.  The NBC Store needs to get movin' on all those.


    I think that guest stars have always been a problem with the series and definitely part of the later seasons' problems.  There have been too many that didn't offer anything to the episode.  Instead of having any guest stars, I would rather the writers focus on quality plots among the principal cast, especially given

    Ever since I saw the episode when it first aired, I've wanted to be in a professional situation where I could call someone out starting with, "I am dissatisfied with your performance…."  But it hasn't happened yet.  I only hope it's as awesome as Data makes it look!

    Troy McClure & Lionel Hutz
    I miss Troy McClure and Lionel Hutz. Their episodes were always funny.

    no comments today?
    Did everyone take the weekend off? Come on, there are plenty of lurkers on here who want new posts!

    no discussion of cancellation?
    I will have to assume that the Visitors won since the show got cancelled. I wish they would've filmed that as 'just in case we get cancelled' ending. But considering that would be interesting and actually moving a plot along, there's no way the show could do it.

    Do you have a little bell on your desk that you ring every time you comment here? That would be classic.

    Are y'all really gonna go thru with this 2600 thing?

    Rajiv for breakout
    The show is bad, and especially bad when compared to the other NBC Thursday comedies, but I have consistently watched it all season. The show made a terrible mistake by pushing Gupta for a breakout when it should've been pushing Rajiv, played by Rizwan Manji. Manji is far more talented and the

    The photo, by far, is the funniest part of the series.

    Coal Is West Virginia
    I think everyone should watch this show. Coal supplies almost half of the energy this country uses. That isn't going to change for a long time. I think it's important for people to see the dangers these people undertake everyday so you can have power. And the fact the show is produced very

    is subtle racism also a continuing theme?
    I think a lot of these referenced animated movies, including but not limited to Blue Sky, have some form of subtle racism and it seems that Rio has it too. Once again we have white-voiced protagonists that need minority-voiced characters to sing and dance them into love. I

    Ruth storyline
    I really enjoyed the Ruth storyline. It showed a kinda sane, kinda sweet side to Archer. And contrasting that Archer with the Archer blowing off knee caps, tying-up and gagging janitoros, and shooting a unarmed, elderly man in a wheelchair made those even better.

    at this point, I want the Vs to win
    I have watched every episode. I have no idea why I'm still watching this show; it's just all-around awful.

    WV vs. VA
    West Virginia would never be a wingman for Virginia. WV left VA for good reason.

    Angela and the (state) Senator
    I thought the segments with Angela and the (state) Senator were spot on. Being a local politico, I can tell you that some people are overly into it, and some people don't give a sh!t. Also, did anyone else see a Angela, (state) Senator, and Oscar love triangle brewing?