It was done so ironically. Everyone knows The Simpsons is played out.
It was done so ironically. Everyone knows The Simpsons is played out.
I could have sworn she said "it's not technically illegal," but I'm not willing to bet a lot of money that that was the exact line.
I could have sworn she said "it's not technically illegal," but I'm not willing to bet a lot of money that that was the exact line.
Why is trespassing "not technically illegal" in Pawnee? Is it a way of honoring their heritage of taking Native American land?
Why is trespassing "not technically illegal" in Pawnee? Is it a way of honoring their heritage of taking Native American land?
Was anyone else hoping that Barbara Reynolds was still alive and living a secret life somewhere? This show lost an asset in Anne Archer.
Was anyone else hoping that Barbara Reynolds was still alive and living a secret life somewhere? This show lost an asset in Anne Archer.
And a lot of angels moved while they were looking at each other. Moffat seems to forget why the angels weep.
And a lot of angels moved while they were looking at each other. Moffat seems to forget why the angels weep.
The only clip shows that I can think of that even approach transcendent would be some of the clip shows from Stargate: SG-1. Most (but not all) of the SG-1 clip shows forwarded the overarching plot in some way. In fact, the clip show in season 1 served as part 1 of the season finale and set up a major recurring…
The only clip shows that I can think of that even approach transcendent would be some of the clip shows from Stargate: SG-1. Most (but not all) of the SG-1 clip shows forwarded the overarching plot in some way. In fact, the clip show in season 1 served as part 1 of the season finale and set up a major recurring…
@avclub-c404a5adbf90e09631678b13b05d9d7a:disqus You seem to believe that stoners are a diligent, quick-working folk.
@avclub-c404a5adbf90e09631678b13b05d9d7a:disqus You seem to believe that stoners are a diligent, quick-working folk.
Don't forget the Young Avengers, who have an origin story that is based in one of the most hated stories ever (Avengers Disassembled).
Don't forget the Young Avengers, who have an origin story that is based in one of the most hated stories ever (Avengers Disassembled).
But it did go murder-suicide.
But it did go murder-suicide.
I'm not quite sure what you're referring to. Explain it in not-Star Wars please.
I'm not quite sure what you're referring to. Explain it in not-Star Wars please.