
Yes indeed you're right! Will edit ASAP.

Brody Jenner.

OH MY GOD I am so sorry this happened to you OH MY GOD it could happen to me OH MY GOD.

I did think Phillippe's "at least we can be amusing companions" was kind of a great pitch. Also, I meant to mention that Castleroy's impassioned pitch to Greer about how he values warmth was lovely, and that it was a shame Lola wasn't nearby to swap places.

Oh no, the second part of my reply was re: Kenna (and I've now edited it to read as such). No matter how annoying you might find her, she's getting bullied into rougher sex than she wants, and that is always going to be seriously fucked up.

I agree that Lola is walking a fine line (just insisting that "no one will find out!" doesnt make it true). But as for Kenna, I will never, EVER believe that someone deserves to get coerced into doing sexual things they don't want to do just because they put their faith in the wrong guy.

Everyone in this comment thread is totally right - far more Ygritte than Katniss. If she makes it to next week's episode, eyes out for a name change!

You know, I actually wasn't in love with this episode until I watched it again. That second viewing, when I could see past the mad rush of it all to the layers of jokes underneath, made all the difference.

You're not a douche - I made the adjustment. It's an important distinction to make, and I should have done so in the first place.

You're definitely right that the Myth is a big part of why New York is different (though I should probably clarify that I was talking about American cities).

Need this Tumblr ASAP.

Totally! My comment sounded way more antagonistic than I meant it to - I'm thrilled there's this much outrage over a B+. Means the show's doing something right.

For what it's worth, a blowjob would've also counted as the opposite of low key. (Though on a sidenote, how awesome is it that blowjobs haven't even come up?)

Let's talk instead about how the lowest grade for this show is a B+.

Oh man, I in NO WAY was judging Ilana's worth as a character by her hotness. If that's how it came off, I am truly horrified. Instead, I was trying to talk about how funny it was to me that he was confused by his attraction to her in conjunction with the fact that Ilana is such a different, vibrant depiction of what

I decided early on that I didn't want to do a straight-up recap of events. So when I chose to look at how NBC handled live coverage vs primetime, I went with ice dancing because it was guaranteed to be repurposed for their later broadcast. Even aside from Weir and Lipinski, ice dancing simply made for a cleaner


Yep, you're right - will fix!

You're really stepping on tonight's review, man.