
Spoiler alert: I watched Weir and Lipinski this morning, and will be writing it up for tonight's Olympic coverage.

No need to feel like an asshole! I know hyperbolic Internet rage well (you should've seen me during the Emmys).

Sorry about that - I'm on the west coast, and generally work best in the hours when you can't get Dominos to deliver. Will try to work speedier in future!

I definitely wasn't trying to say that you have to relate to this show to get it. I just got to thinking because I relate to it so much, and I had to acknowledge that that colors my judgment. Then there was a lot of talk about Broad City being "relatable Girls," which is an interesting thing in and of itself. Who said

Hold up - a HIBISCUS DONUT?!
Damn. Now I miss New York, too.

Crushed it.

Buyer beware: the first five or so episodes are pretty unsure of themselves, but once you hit "Chosen," it is ON.

TOTALLY. I chose the UCB comparison, but Louie is definitely in there.

P.S. This thread made my week.

Excellent, thank you! I can't blame them for making Nostradamus that guy - if you have Nostradamus on your show, you must make him do as many ominous voiceovers as possible.

I honestly think the "Girls" comparison is strictly because of their age/location. "Comedy explicitly about marijuana use" would be more of a sticking point with you - at least this episode, anyway. But I'd at least watch the premiere and see if they manage to win you over!

Ilana trying to get Abbi in on her sexual escapades was a running gag through the webseries. V. pleased to see it'll be in the TV series, too.

AGH I don't know why I keep thinking of him as a Phillip. Maybe I just like the name Henry too much to attribute it to this King, who again, I do not care for.

I prefer my WoT with words, but the old thread was endlessly amusing.

In this case, it's very much the royal we.

As the Internet would say: I REGRET NOTHING.

I could buy Leith and Bash's, but Francis' black leather strappy thing seemed a little too Matrix.


+ a million for "Franklin or Bash in the lush Rizzoli Isles"

It was one of my favorite things I've written for this site, so this is lovely to hear!