
There was one story in Kyunki saas about the protagonist's (whose name I can't remember) mother in law asking her to switch her life support machine off after her being paralyzed, that I thought was fascinating - especially considering she ended up doing it. You don't tend to get a lot of ethical grey area in those

This has no relevance to anything really, but both Gina #icanandidid Rodriguez and Justin Baldoni guest starred on Happy Endings (r.i.p.). It's nice to see that at least they both got their ''happy ending''….I'll just go to my corner now.

I would like to state that I am team Michael. Not for Jane necessarily, just for staying alive/in the show. A few more flashbacks of him in that police uniform wouldn't go amiss either.

Courtney Cox was amazing in this episode. The sudden change on her face after Laurie and Travis talked to her was just perfect.

The Mindy Project has been pretty solid this season. They've managed to make a stable relationship arc much more interesting than any of the ''will they - won't they'' stuff. Jon Stewart's also been on a roll lately.

Are we sure he isn't referring to his cameo at the start of season 5 and he just got confused? Maybe he forgot time is linear?

The Bill Hader episode was pretty good. Definitely much better than this one.

He was pretty decent tonight especially with the Staten Island bit. Also Seth Meyers is great, have you seen his White House Correspondents' Dinner speech?

Liz Lemon married that semi good looking hippy. That has nothing to do with anything I just like mentioning 30 rock.

I couldn't read anything you wrote after ''turned off by Danny''.

It was pretty cool to see that even though she's crazy at times, Mindy is still one of the most mature women on TV. It proves the two aren't mutually exclusive, which is encouraging for those of us who actually are crazy in the real world.

See: 28 hotel rooms. It's the closest we have right now.


Their make out session in ''A Few Paintballs More'' was pretty hot.

Jost was good this week and I'm not just saying that because I like having a reason to defend him other than how attractive he is.

Maybe the pirates swore him to secrecy…I hope he didn't have to sacrifice Troy to get out of there!

I knew it wouldn't happen, but i was still disappointed when Troy didn't show up in Le Var Burton's house.

Sometimes I wonder how Hugh Dancy is so good at playing Will in the emotionally unhinged, crazy way that he does, but then I remember he's married to Claire Danes.

I'm glad I wasn't the only person thinking that! The Mindy Project usually tends to be good but now that it seems to be following the 30 rock, jokes piled on jokes, kind of route it is great! I'm very excited for the rest of the season.

I know we're all entitled to our opinions but everything you just said is wrong. Except for the Sandy Rivers spin off. That needs to happen.