
The arcs you mention aren't the exploratory weirdness I'm talking about, in fact you clearly have entirely misinterpreted me. I am talking about the non-adventure episodes such as Finn going through the circle of life of being a worm and then being a bird and just really pointless episodes like that.

I'm not upset with you or anything…? I apologize if it seems that way. I become passionate about topics, you see, and so it often seems as if I'm emotionally invested in these debates or discussions. I like talking with people like you, you are very intelligent and speak clearly.

The other characters make up the plot, I think. Peppermint Butler being aligned with evil might be how Marcy and PBubs met. We sort of saw the creation of candy people and we even know where Ice King comes from. But somewhere along, they just stopped explaining things.

And how! But last episode…..SHE FOUND A YOYO!! I love her MORE now!!

You have no validity to see that AT is more valuable than PPG was at the time or any of the other shows that I mentioned. They were all just as popular as Adventure Time, if not more so.

Right, but that's the problem that the "weird and exploratory" episodes are causing. Focus on your characters and plot instead of these odd existential episodes that came out of nowhere.

Yeah..Where did she go?

This is a weird comment. You read it, four hours later, and then had the nerve to try to be snarky. "Did teddycw say something hours ago? Snore." I guess you're cool or funny or whatever you're trying to be.

Actually, I do. Because Cartoon Network is not famous for keeping shows past about 8 seasons, if THAT long. Remember that they canceled Samurai Jack, Powerpuff Girls, Dexter's Lab, Billy and Mandy, Foster's, etc…Remember that none of these shows made that many episodes.

I find comments like this strange. And know that I'm not being sarcastic or trying to fight with my following comments. So your entire post was a one sentence disagreement with me? Am I supposed to care about that or value it…Hell, even recognize it? You didn't explain what WAS, nor did you give any reasoning for your

This is probably one of the best episodes of this season. For the first time in Season 6, we see the characters learning to not only accept their world, but to move on from negativity. The symbolism of Jake wanting to be a part of a falling shack is fairly obvious. It's like someone young finding depth and meaning in

Maybe the lyrics of "Rap God"…Fittingly inappropriate.

I would like Caitlin to just start rapping while Cicso beat boxes one episode. It's all I want. Can't I have nice things?!

I wouldn't be surprised. Zatanna is her mother, or to further confuse things, Black Canary.

No. No, it's not. A "cat burglar" is another name for a burglar. And anyway, this show has shown that she's lousy as a thief. She's always either getting caught or stealing crappy things.

All of the comic costumes make sense. I mean Cyclops' 90's outfit makes sense because he's the leader, he needs pockets for tools and things. And with a skintight blue body suit, it makes sense why his pockets are on belts.

I actually miss the 90's white outfit. I'd love to see that appear. But TBH, they should have been doing costumes every film.

Dent- The actor looks like the lead singer from Panic! At the Disco. The character plays like about the same…A familiar face (metaphorically), with no substance.

Since we are now following a new timeline can we get costumes now? I'd like to see the colorful (but heavily blue and yellow) Jim Lee X-Men of the 80's and 90's. Every other studio has shown that it's okay to do the comicbook costumes. Fox just needs to whip out the costumes.

(See, everyone? This is what makes the internet such an annoying places. Jack-offs that don't know what they're talking about but who want to waste time arguing. )