
That's cool. Like time is a play thing to Eddie at this point. It's a cool idea, but it gets difficult because the more time is involved with a story, the more opportunity writers have to mess it up.

My prediction? He's going to explain that he can't be with her anymore because he's someone else now. And the heart break of thinking your fiancee died, only to realize they're still alive and want nothing to do with you, is going to turn her toward the path of becoming Killer Frost.

"Villain of the week" is weak story telling. It's something I'd expect from a kid's show or some Cartoon Network affair. For a show that's target audience are largely adults, it would be nice for the series to take the time to build character depth.

I used to love Aubrey Plaza, but someone pointed out that she doesn't really act; that she non-acts the same "barely-interested-in-the-topic-at-hand weirdo". And she really does do this for every role, sadly, I know this because I've tried to watch everything she was ever in and all of her interviews.

Look up the lyrics to "The Ballad of Barry Allan" by Jim's big Ego.

Yeah, Dawn just shoots Rick and the others and the series ends. Not before Daryl is beheaded, Michonne raped and baby Judith fed to zombies. The masses riot. This show brings about an actual apocalypse in the real world haha

Regardless of your opinion, the -fact- is that the character is supposed to have an accent. I would like to hear the character's accent. Fan nitpicking of why they think it shouldn't be there is irrelevant. It's like Gambit not having an accent.

I have some serious problem with the character being hit with a force greater than 838 MPH and him getting up to be decked by Iris. I get that it was supposed to be cute/funny, but it comes across more as cheesy and plot breaking.

Not necessarily. People said they saw someone on fire that was not burning. They didn't say they spoke to him or that he did anything any more significant than exist. In other words, Firestorm could just be forming, not knowing how to really manifest himself. And if Robbie is in some sort of ghost form in someone

Some Stray Thoughts:

Yes, I remember this, but in the comics she was much older and before that was a ballerina. The Ballerina segment has been teased in AOU. So, as of right now, it's possible that she was lying about her age to Banner. I mean she also told him it was just the two of them when it wasn't.

No part of what you said is true. Accents have nothing to do with how fluent you speak the language. Someone from—say Texas—might have an accent (Sheldon Cooper), but that does not imply that they have little comprehension of English or less than someone from India (Raj) or even another American with seemingly no

I'll put five on that bet.

I'm not sure what you mean here, as I've read the comics, too.

I think last season's "They're messing with the wrong people" line set a new stage for the story. Like Season 5 is the true "Season 2". Any single member of Rick's Ricktatorship is a badass in their own right, and the weak have by and large burned away. All that remains are people who are insanely loyal, capable or

I'd like to see Black Widow use her "Russian" accent. In The Winter Soldier they confirm that the character is supposed to be 30. If we assume that she joined the KGB out of high school she was 17 or 18, and we first see her in Ironman 2. Presumably, that might have been when they first recruited her. Ironman 2 takes

She seems like she doesn't want to be leader. Maybe it's from all the "behind the scenes" stuff I've been watching and the producers and writer talking about the characters, but I think they described her as taking the role so that a worse person does not.

lmao Sorry

Michonne would be the worst one because she's Team Rick's ninja. And she just would not have the patience to deal with another wannabe Governor. She saw how people like that are and it got Andrea, Herhsel and plenty of others killed.
