



Man I don't mean to be a dick, but those questions read like they were written by a community college journalism student.

Man I don't mean to be a dick, but those questions read like they were written by a community college journalism student.

Color Me Incontinent

Color Me Incontinent

I don't even care. I could listen to Westerberg sadly narrate "Twilight" over a piano and synth strings and i'd not only pay money for it, i'd probably choke up at some point.

I don't even care. I could listen to Westerberg sadly narrate "Twilight" over a piano and synth strings and i'd not only pay money for it, i'd probably choke up at some point.

Just kind of… doing anything you can there, aren't you?

Just kind of… doing anything you can there, aren't you?

Sean Hannity show also leaked its plans to expose the Liberal
propaganda of showcasing the Catwoman character when it is well known
that Mitt Romney feasts upon upwards of a half-dozen live cats a day for

Sean Hannity show also leaked its plans to expose the Liberal
propaganda of showcasing the Catwoman character when it is well known
that Mitt Romney feasts upon upwards of a half-dozen live cats a day for

This is the TV news equivalent of when I was a child and my parents told me they were divorcing.

This is the TV news equivalent of when I was a child and my parents told me they were divorcing.

For me it begins and ends with Gin Blossoms' "Lost Horizons."

For me it begins and ends with Gin Blossoms' "Lost Horizons."

Could a snarky internet troll make you do anything?