
Her manner of speaking reminded me of a nun who taught me in elementary school; the pause before talking and the way she looked down her nose indicated that she was about to say something Frightfully Important. (The sleepy druggy dead-eyededness was probably not a non-factor with her as well.) All together it made her

She was never going to win a ton of Oscars, but Lohan had (has?) serious comedic chops. In the right kind of movie she could be very appealing. But Lord, what's she's done to herself.

The end credits has always been fun, but since Thor 2 just had Thor and Jane sucking face for a bit, they have gotten a little anticlimactic.

To be fair, it does not require a lot of imagination to drive Billy West into a frenzy of limb thrashing.

Friends was absolutely marked as a Seinfeld clone at first. It was one of a huge number of "people sitting around talking about minutiae" that flooded the networks once Seinfeld took off after Season Four or so, and was categorized as "the Gen-X Seinfeld". Once it actually aired and became successful (and clearly had

Well, I assume Issue 2 will come out two months after issue 1, thwn issue 3 maybe seven or eight months after that, and 4 will quietly float off into the ether until humankind forgets that comics are a thing still.

I'm sorry, I don't understand. I read this a couple of times and I still can't find any mention of "Froggie Jamboree".

Oh, man. I remember buying that now that you mention it. I think I actually read it before seeing the film, but even then the Rodriguez and Tarantino segments were the only ones that sounded even kind of interesting. In retrospect the first two segments aren't very good, but in the 90s the enterprise always struck me

If you've cut the cord, or are thinking of doing so, Hulu Plus is almost mandatory. The lack of CBS is kind of a drag, but the other major networks are on there. If you have cable, though, don't bother.

I initially guessed Samuel Johnson, and proceeded to pat myself on the back for how knowledgeable and clever I was, despite being several decades off.

… this black hole of charisma is an actor?

Gould's acting just isn't getting any better. What's acceptable from a child actor doesn't fly as they get older, and he still delivers lines like he's trying to remember them.

I was obsessed with The Real World for the first four seasons or so, but when I rewatched a few of them recently I was appalled. These were uniformly the worst people in the entire world. The crux of Eric and Kevin's difficulties really seemed to stem from the fact that they were both incredibly terrible assholes.

Which is funny, considering Lloyd is the producer who finally got fed up enough with Hartnell to force him out. His illness was a major factor, but so was Hartnell's legendary assholishness.

He's basically a younger male Sue Heck.

While Bert is CLEARLY too old for the bedtime shenanigans and goings-on, I love that kid. He's funny in the way kids that age naturally are, without all the "wisdom from the mouths of babes" bullshit that most sitcoms do. Misunderstanding what a uterus is and assuming it's something that's in his butt is TOTALLY