
In which every challenge involves making a dish using nothing but roasted meat, wine, and human suffering.

No, because you're supposed to drink the kool-aid and watch Last Chance Kitchen as well.

Edited by author 4 hours ago?  Did you need to another fuck or two?

Heroin, heroine.  Potato, potahto.

On top of that, she's not as rusty as Brooke, since we know Kristen had a least one LCK elimination to get through just before the finale.

Seconded, they are fucking delicious.  If only he'd done them in a Philippine or Hawaiian style, he may have prevailed.

They are chefs not heroine addicts.  I am pretty sure, "What if one of them dies?" is not high on the list of things to worry about when scheduling the finale.

I think Kristen has the advantage with this finale format given that's kind of what she's been doing in LCK.

I can't remember anther top three elimination challenge where the chefs had to do a three course meal just to get to the top two, so I don't think it was a terrible strategy for Sheldon to have only one dessert up his sleeve.  Having said that, he did have 6 full months to prepare, so he could have come up with a

I thought Kristen did the math, and determined her odds were best if she played it VERY safe, and counted on someone else screwing up.  It worked, but I think it could have easily been a grave error.  Ironically, if Sheldon had played it safe was well, he might have very well edged out Brooke or Kristen, but instead

He could be both.

Perhaps because she cooks the most interesting and tasty sounding food.  Who gives a crap if she's boring?

Okay, here it is.

Two things.

I loved Hugh's comment that was something to the effect of - I am impressed that he made a world of bitterness.  I can't remember the exact quote.  Over smoked anything can be quite bitter, and green tea in the bread…bitter as well.  He should have served the whole thing with a gin and tonic just drive the bitter

Either that, or Tom was hungry and cold and ready to chow down.  He may have even liked hers a bit more, but deemed it not complex enough to win.

Cakes are much more difficult than bread.  You have to get the chemistry just right in order to have a proper rise and texture.  Bread is far more forgiving.

I think I'd have gone with a smoked salmon chowder with sourdough dumplings.

I am curious about the parameters for the elimination challenge.  Were they required to make loaves of bread with the starter?  It was unclear, but none of these four are terribly innovative, so perhaps that's just what they decided to do.  They could have made biscuits, waffles, pancakes, pizza dough, flatbreads…the

You really shouldn't be saying your kids like those things in a public forum.