Johnny Thunders

Matt Smith is also a terrible choice for Mapplethorpe who was dark, brooding, super handsome and shredded not a cartoon looking, fish faced string bean.

Carol Burnett? The handsome airline pilot?

First you host and then you guest. You can't guest without the host. No guest without host. Larry host and Jerry guest.

You got a deal!

Piece of shit…

Jerry cameo is pretty much guaranteed

May I please have your permission to use "Blank Blank and the Blanks" as my new band name? If we ever hit it big and get interviewed I'll definitely name check you and say we got the name from Puke Ellington.

So, yes and… ;)

So no, as in she's already been given the green light to star as the lead in a major motion picture. There's no trying out required.

She's already booked to star in the Road House remake in the Swayze role, so no.


Billie and Gene… Like Billie-Jean! I just got it!

I've been obsessed with Im Abendrot, the fourth of Strauss's Four Songs since it being heavily featured on the soundtrack of Steve Coogan's 'The Trip' series 2. It truly is a haunting melody.

Hannah really rocked that photoshoot like a young George Costanza.

And quite the burper I may add. Marriage material.

Pancakes & AIDS! Yabba-labba-dub-dub!

Ninth one's gonna be called "& 9"

Back of the net!

Your memory stays
It lingers ever
Fade away never

And Batman is a power bottom