Faux Real

I Mistook Her Laundry Basket For My Amazon Shopping Cart And Other Improbable (But True) Defenses

I kept waiting for her to ride in on the shoulders of Tom Bombadil

In my fantasy Season 5, Lady Stoneheart's first line of raspy dialogue is lifted and paraphrased from Full Metal Jacket's Animal Mother: "ALL. FUCKING. FREYS. MUST. FUCKING. HANG."

The Cameltoes of Rigel VII

Ygritte's death is probably more significant for developing Jon's character than it is for the reader/viewer. Though I think it's much less cheesily done in the book.

Why Can't We Be Friends?

I agree with you there — death-by-facepunch (like in the book) would have been far more brutal. As presented, the head-crushing was super-gross, but more in a cheesy horror-movie kind of way, which I didn't care much for. But the head crush may have worked better for this real-time adaptation, since it gave The

"The things I do for lov— SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!"

Suppose you're thinkin' about a plane o' shrimp. Suddenly someone'll say, like, plane, or shrimp, or plane o' shrimp out of the blue, no explanation. No point in lookin' for one, either. It's all part of a cosmic unconciousness.

That reminds me, whatever happened to the HBO Janitor of Cock? I miss-a that-a hilarious stereotype-a! (I really do).

Do we think Stephanie even left L.A. after she left Megan's place? I couldn't tell if I was still seeing the Capitol Records building in the background in the alley scene (just from a different angle, obviously), and I didn't rewind the scene to check.

Yay, Disney's Villain Babies!

"You know what, Reardon? We've had a long road together, you and I, and at one point I thought that we could be friends. And then I realized… nope."
"My wife"
"You know what, buddy? That doesn't mean anything."

I love it. The insane international-trainwreck design is charming. I also love the topiary animals and the nutty clock tower… just awesome. But I will allow that I felt sorry for the employees assigned to that ride; hearing that song constantly would be beyond annoying.

Yeah, the Reagan scene. I think people tend to forget just how much rage that smug asshole could inspire in those of us who had to live with him as President. Awkward sentence there, but man, the 80s were tough for the young and idealistic.

What a gut punch this episode was. Anybody else tearing up when Henry broke down? Oh, uh, me neither?

I've probably only seen about a dozen anime feature films, but this one's my favorite. And the soundtrack deserves a mention; it's quite powerful and haunting.

If you flip that photo over, he's giving us a casual wave. But not as good as his wave from last night.

Second breakfast

So here's my clueless question: at Google, upon which it seems Hooli is based, if you invent something while working there, don't they typically claim ownership of your work? I think that's the way traditional companies work, but maybe that's different in SV.