Faux Real

I'm happy she's gradually getting a little more time to sleep each night, with each name that comes off the list. Sleep is important, Arya! Also breakfast!

Kurt C character: "Do I have a gun? NO! I don't have a gun!"
Chorus, dressed as shotgun shells: "He DOESN'T! He DOESN'T! He DOESN'T have a GUN!"

I loved it too! At the time I couldn't believe how much hate that show inspired. Then again, I loved John From Cincinnati, too.

The falafel lunch break where's he's all "Fuck your shawarma, Tony, THIS is the shit!"

It's been a long time since I've listened to the version from that first solo album. Still a great song at its core and a nice surprise, but it seems overproduced when compared with the one I'm much more used to, this one from Fripp's Exposure album:

K.N.I.F.E. G.R.A.B.!

Yeah, I had to rewind in hopes that I maybe really did hear Dr. Strange! Not that it would have made any sense in this context but whatever.

Inglourious Batsman

Same deal, same town! My wife likes SV but not enough to see her live again. We saw her on the Love This Giant / David Byrne tour and she was FANTASTIC, plus any other live footage I've seen on youtube has been great so I'm probably going to go by myself too, since none of my in-town friends would be into it.

Logged in to post the same thing! (Well, attempted to post, had to log out then in again, then return to this page, then find this comment again… fuckin Disqus). Anyway… that unexpected "…you forgot to close the garage door" just makes the scene so much more sordid and hilarious.

*Schroeder walks over Beethoven's grave*

(Also I hope that the guitar at least comes along for the tour)

I wonder if they're finally headlining this tour?
EDIT: to be clear, the last couple of times they came through Kansas City area they were supporting The Mountain Goats the first time and Explosions in the Sky the second.
EDIT 2: A downvote? What makes a fan's hope that they're headlining worthy of a downvote? Odd.

Not to mention the constant camel-toe the female cast members had to deal with.

Sort of ashamed to admit this, but the Victoria Principal parts (har de har) are what I remember most about that movie. Even worse, I'm an old enough dude to have seen it at the theater (in SENSURROUND!) and, oddly enough, it was a junior high school field trip.

They say "peeb", which is totes short for "PBS tote bag"

A West Memphis Three type of situation — good hunch.

Luckily I'm much more interested in the characters than in the plot because I have a sneaking suspicion that the Reverend / Governer's brother (the guy concerned about the "anti-Christian" nature of the crimes) is involved in the murders. That's pretty cliched so I *hope* I'm wrong, but as long as McConaughey and

I just about bailed very early on when Dr. Gruffwhisper's ex first showed up. The "significant" look between them told me all I needed to know about how this show was going to pad the time between semi-interesting sci-fi stuff. Groan! Then after what felt like 40 minutes I checked the elapsed time to find I was only

Composed in longhand whilst driving.