Faux Real

Rollin' Stone dawt cawm?

Aw, man, I get my first TVDW reply and it's for when I was being an obtuse douche! Yes I realize your grades for this show in particular are not to be taken literally. I just mostly wanted to whine about how this show is seriously disappointing to me this year. Keep fighting the good fight. Meanwhile I'm waiting for a

I know, grades are essentially meaningless on this show but, damn! The entire season (so far) gets a D (which I fully agree with — it has been a terrible disappointment and has turned into a chore-watch for me). How, then, to explain "B" grades for every previous episode (excepting two "C" grades)? The ongoing bias to

Techs: "Older" and "Newer" links are reversed at the bottom of TV reviews.

Liked for "provoked goat"

Well, if I remember the lesson in Highlights magazine correctly, the fork is the mommy and stands on the left. The knife is the daddy and stands on the right. The spoon is their son, and "the knife holds the little boy's hand."

Plus, baseball players just keep looking more and more disgusting, that doesn't help.


Purnsley turned that back office into a shooting gallery, amirite fellas?

I was betting on cast iron frying pan since Chalky had sent Daughter off to "fix him up a plate" (or something to that effect).

Oh wow, John From Cincinnati… totally did not recognize him behind that beard. Maybe if he'd have said "I don't know Butchie instead". I know was in the minority for loving that show, but dammit, I did. And da-doi, I just now realized that Ray from The Bridge was Butchie!

Yeah, one of my best and oldest friends, whose musical taste is otherwise exquisite, just LOVES the Chili Peppers. He cites their reportedly great live show, but also enjoys their studio work. I don't hate them, but as someone mentioned above, even their better earlier work mostly hasn't aged well.

I once dropped some LSD… by laughing while the teeny piece of paper was still in my palm. And then we were afraid the dog ate it since he immediately snarfed something from the ground in the general vicinity. A panicked vet call resulted in the recommendation we feed the poor fella some hydrogen peroxide to induce

Something else I forgot to mention in my other comment. In the pre-announcement video package for the girls, it seems they couldn't find a sound bite from Jasmine expressing the usual "winning would mean everything to me" sentiment… unless I missed it. If that's true, that's cool because it means dancing is more

^ Exactly ^ — and my cynical side also saw it as an unfair re-selling of A&F as the "sweet couple"… but since the voting was over there was no real advantage to that move. Ah, well. Amy is an absolutely fantastic dancer, no question, and received the better routines down the stretch. I think Jasmine saw it coming and

*Ser Pounce slinks off*

They should just cast Alan Moore.

The RoboCop is real— D'oh! (boCop)

Better yet, Bruce Dern should play The Duke's role in this one! Not only would it be awesome, it might somehow bring closure and healing for my mom who started hating Bruce Dern the person the moment his no-good cowardly character shot John Wayne in the back.

And he must tearjerk into a cauldron.