Faux Real

I think you mean Olean, she who turns one's bowels to water.

Well, shoot. Now I want to see SPOILER WARNING PROBABLY UNNECESSARY BUT ANYWAY, SPOILER: "Robby" Ramone singing "I don't wanna be married (then wind up in a) Pet Semetary"

Wow, I'd forgotten about that terrible movie. And I actually paid to see that in a theater… but in my defense, there was only one movie theater in the town where I went to college. It also proves I'm old, but there's no defense for that.


Oh and I almost forgot — the soundtrack introduced me to Little Richard's "Directly from My Heart to You" and Jobim's "Aguas de Marco", so it's got that going for it too.

I haven't caught up on Justified either, so this role was my first time seeing her, too. She also absolutely kills it in the upcoming "August: Osage County" which I was lucky enough to see in a preview screening last week.

Yeah, I like the original a lot (it's my favorite Bee Gees song, which isn't really saying much) and didn't even recognize it until it got to the chorus, at which point I had to back up to hear it all over again.

This is one of my favorite movies and Mimi's performance really is fantastic. The bluntness of the philosophical dialogue fits with the odd, almost clinical feel of the movie. All the truly scary parts happen in the full light of day (or in fully-lit rooms, in one case). And it features a tremendously entertaining

Another nice character moment from that scene: during Tywin's line "The next whore I find in your bed, I'll hang", Tyrion turns again and resumes walking out mid-threat.

"OK everybody listen up. After we left the farm, ah said some things. Ah'm here to tell yew now ah was wrong. We—

Can't he just come back as the other brother Daryl?

EDIT whoops, beaten to it

Is it weird that Martha's sexual gusto has suddenly made her legitimately sexy instead of just a sad joke? When she clamped her legs around Phillip and pulled him onto the bed I started seeing her in a whole new light. And now just as she starts getting what she wants she's going to lose it. Bummer.

That's My Stankface, Thursdays on NBC!

Me too! Except for the working like a charm part.

Good point. Having not been told otherwise, I had no idea what the hell he actually did. But it seemed like Marnie was not only surprised at his success, but unaware of what he was even doing… then again, I may have misread her whole reaction.

The Charlie storyline makes no sense to me. How did he go from nothing to running a company? Was he a secret tech wiz? Or is he, as seems more likely, supposed to be the "idea guy" who manages the tech people and the funding? If the latter is the case, the character would need to believable as someone who could 1) be

My favorite thing about this series is that a jeebus-y facebook friend posted a link about it yesterday with the comment "Think I'm gonna DVR this series starting tonight!". The link was to the New York Times review which was… not kind. I don't think she even read it, I think it was more a case of "Bible! TV! Yay!"

Also good: gin bloody marys. It's how I prefer them, anyway. You'll get a funny look when ordering one, and you may disagree after trying one, but it's worth a shot.

Does this mean we're only a season away from Keeping Up with the Kardashipede?