Faux Real

I assume it's already been postulated that he is an ancestor to Dr. Ben Harmon, World's Worst Psychiatrist? We'd probably have to see his gazebo-building skills to be sure.

If only. At least then we could pretend Tobe Hooper hadn't fucked up his own franchise. Which, come to think of it, wouldn't have to be considered his "franchise" if he hadn't made more than one. And at least Dennis Fucking Hopper was still in the midst of his full-on drunk years at that point so he can't be blamed,

"Yakety Sax" on a loop. But let's face it, twice through will probably do it.

Rejected names (too hard to order drunk):

Rejected names (too hard to order drunk):

Tonight, let it be Luwinbrau.

Tonight, let it be Luwinbrau.



Yes, ^ this ^, thank you.

Yes, ^ this ^, thank you.

Agreed, it's never not fun. On paper, I should hate it but I can't help but love it EVERY TIME. Of course Sudeikis' dancing is the highlight, but the catchiness of the song, Kenan's vamping at the end of each reprise and the don't-give-a-fuck silliness of the whole thing is just irresistible to me. (Plus, this time,

Agreed, it's never not fun. On paper, I should hate it but I can't help but love it EVERY TIME. Of course Sudeikis' dancing is the highlight, but the catchiness of the song, Kenan's vamping at the end of each reprise and the don't-give-a-fuck silliness of the whole thing is just irresistible to me. (Plus, this time,

How much fly monkeys?

How much fly monkeys?

I just noticed that this weekend… North By Northwest was on TCM.

I just noticed that this weekend… North By Northwest was on TCM.

And Grey's Anatomy inspired or at least strongly encouraged a glut of shitty shitty bands who seemingly sprang into existence just to write shitty shitty music to feature in Act 3 montages.

And Grey's Anatomy inspired or at least strongly encouraged a glut of shitty shitty bands who seemingly sprang into existence just to write shitty shitty music to feature in Act 3 montages.