Faux Real

6 days later, so you'll probably never see this, but — @avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus , bless you.

Glad to see mentions of "Razor Boy" and "Your Gold Teeth" up there. Two of my favorites of the seldom-heard stuff. Actually I love both "Gold Teeth" songs.

@Scrawler , yeah the head was way too big. We are talking about Hayden Panettiere, right?

Thanks for the tips. An old high school friend was pretty enthusiastic about Korean dramas (at least according to his FB postings) but I don't remember the names of any of the ones he liked. It just seemed like hyperbole to me when he posted something like they were "vastly superior to anything from America". I don't

Same way we always did. Shoot a Polaroid of the screen, enlarge it a couple times on the copier, carry the copy to the next computer and type it in. Presto!

Well the word "Croatoa" or "Croatoan" was allegedly found carved into a tree or post in the abandoned colony. AHS isn't the first story to try to turn that into something significant. Brian Azzarello's comic series "100 Bullets" used it to great effect. (Which is pretty much the opposite of how it was used here).

Me too. I was around when the song first came out but it didn't really make an impression on me. But in that scene from Silence I realized "hey this is a rockin' song!" It maybe helped that I was pretty stoned.

My problem with Bioshock (well, Bioshock 2) is that I love the environments and story so far, but I suck so bad at combat with the PS3 controller that I don't think I'll make it much further. Some of those rooms you want to stop, look around and admire, but a goddam splicer or two always shows up.

The market spoke, and it determined that this film sucked ass. So, it worked, or something.

It is known.

Yeah, right after Burned Larry dug a 6ft grave using one arm, 1/4 of a shovelful at a time, in an apparently even shorter time!

I'm just waiting for Bad Ronald or Stuart Chandler to show up.

This looks good because Jennifer Lawrence.

It's been mentioned above at least once, but the I Love Lucy theme is a favorite. That final chord is a MONSTER. I also love the WKRP closing theme; it's the first TV music I can recall that really rocked. (Completely unintelligible lyrics too).

KC area viewers were treated to a "breaking news" non-news conference with the police chief informing us that, in a nutshell, they had no further developments in a child disappearance case. You too, Evan?

Are we sure the driver wasn't Kiefer Sutherland wearing her grandmother's skin?

If anybody's still looking for biastioc, there's a good chance he's got an account over on that there sneeze fetish site.

Dammit! Rickrolled by Koski!

Hot Wheels track with the hard plastic red connector left in = the kid equivalent of Board With A Nail In It.

Dr. John
Dr. John, on the subject of Del approaching Albert with his project: "So you ain't axteded him yet". My favorite line of the night. Spelling approximated.