
whaaat? Tell me more

Can someone answer me this: If I didn't watch True Detective season 1 should I watch it before I watch this? Or do the two exist in separate worlds/narratives, like American Horror Story? This looks so bad ass. The only reason I didn't get into S1 was the tone seemed very… somber, and I didn't want to weigh myself

Yea, the Lydia/Declan thing was unclear to me too. And OMG I seriously laughed out loud at that crazy mustache guy!

It's so easy to forget the entirety of Breaking Bad takes course over ONE year.

Now that I've taken a second look at Vince I totally see Marc Maron after a spa vacation.

I was watching with my mom when that Baby Daddy/Melissa and Joey commercial came on and I turned to her and said "we could be watching Bunheads, but somehow the network has allowed THIS to go on"

I know! I think her scene with Denise Richards and the stoned potters wheel session was the absolute best.  She's definitely my favorite, and I also can't wait to see more of Jo as long as it's not her falling all over Danny.  Just like Aria on PLL she seems like a cool, smart, artsy girl with an awesome mom… but

I've been watching Twisted every week, really hoping for it to go somewhere.  Maybe it's some of the parallels with PLL that are making me feel like it will never amount to much.  I want more character development with Danny, I think we could use more flashbacks to develop our understanding of the relationships…. I

Same.  It really rubs me the wrong way.

I wanna be a supermoooodddeeeellllll….

"We had always been the cool kids making fun of the shit that everyone else liked and then we felt like we didn’t know what everybody else liked anymore, so we watched the MTV Awards a couple of years ago, and that made us feel even older"
Oh. my. god.  Ugggghhhhh.

I feel the same way! I always kind of cringed when that romanc-y music breezed in…  I hold little to no issues with this show and rarely nitpick, but this I could do without.

Yea I'm curious too.  While I haven't given it great thought int his situation I'm pretty in tune with stuff like that as someone with a mental illness and surrounded by it through my life.  I'm interested in hearing peoples perspectives on Piper that go beyond her being uninteresting.  I mean she is clearly the

That's what I was thinking! Because her story is that she was in for a year, and one season panned over a few months…  We can only hope.

I think I'd definitely put The Big C in the drama section though it was extremely comedic.  It was a half hour show, I guess Showtime does that a lot? Nurse Jackie also popped into my head, which I think won an Emmy in comedy.


I thought this was great.  I saw them a few weeks ago in Philadelphia and I was charmed when the guys who checked our tickets said "Zoe and Matt would appreciate if you guys wouldn't take pictures or use phones during the show" or something, and it totally worked.  Of course if they were like "At the courtesy of the

Love Web Therapy! I didn't even realize it was a real series on Showtime until this year.  I watched it when they would air the clips online awhile back.  I've had both seasons on in the background while cleaning and such the past few months—- so funny and so many great guests.  I can't get over Lisa Kudrow's

I put my vote in for you to continue coverage of this show, pah-lease.
That was an impeccable review— "I even did an internship at a dog shelter so I could observe the behavior of actual bitches" made me LOL and you are incredibly right about Sustainitard making SUEDE look like a genius!