Gramscis Bastard

@avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus : Bill the Cat reference? Dear gods I love this place.

Hollywood? They're even gayer then the steel industry!

Two months after this show aired at age 16 I came out to my parents and at school. They told me they knew (of course) and sent me on my way with the warning "We dont care who you sleep with but you're not allowed to marry a republican"

Ya know, I never thought of it that way, @avclub-0a7d7a81e8e3a20e4c34748e98ef45f6:disqus , but I think you've hit the nail exactly on the head. His lack of extreme competence or intelligence acts as a red-herring, throwing us off the scent. Us nerds are identifying and emphasizing with him but don't notice because

I remember going to see this in the theater, all of nine years old, and faintly embarrassed that I was going to see a kids movie (my parents never censored our film viewing, so I had seen the Godfather and most of Woody Allens 70s movies multiple times by that point). Boy was I surprised.


The man has been national treasure since at least his epic Project Runway season 8 episode 5 recap.

So it goes.

The face against the car window the first time he got rimmed? Yeah, that was pretty epic.

Liked for "Burtons canned Walt Disney German Expressionism bullshit" Now to just work that into a conversation today…

Ah yes. When I was a child this was one of my favorite things to watch with my mom. Along with Golden Girls and Murphy Brown.

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