
Yep. One of the best things about Blood Simple is a sleazy M. Emmett Walsh and that shitty blue bug.

My hatred of the term "baller" hit its apex when I saw some shithead drinking an energy bev labeled "Baller's Blend."

How about a mash-up of all the Party Down events that include a foul-mouthed JK Simmons and Ken Marino - pulling out his stunt-cock randomly for guests - among other things.

Yes, Bob, but what about Inspiral Carpets?

"Sometimes I drink from a volcano…."

Dark Night of the Scarecrow.

It would have been interesting to see the actress who plays Lydia out as a normal person.

I still remember him sitting shyly in the audience during the Lost finale thing with Kimmel.

I'll always remember him as Caligula the Dentist.

@avclub-9e4775f046c2105d8e7d6655287a2f34:disqus or Never Trust A Junky

Nah, that's more of a jerkin'-it-on-meth song.

So to avoid taxes you invent fictitious revenue and back it with fake invoices?  Sounds like the opposite of hiding income.

The true "scene stealer" in Achorman was the lady who shouted "It smell's like Big Foot's dick!"

in jerky


"And if that weren't enough, I was sure we would probably all be nuked before I graduated from high school."

. . . or polish their bishop, if you will.

So he doesn't work at a gym anymore?

@avclub-808e22af6c33eea22608f30cef458844:disqus  You shower with a horse?

When I first glanced at the smaller version of the above image on the AV front page I thought I was seeing Kristen Scott Thomas making out with a young woman.