
My favorite was reading the comments in some of the local sites. Some of them had this idea that the crowd was more black/ghetto people since Hartford is a more urban area and they had all these sly in the closet racist comments about how hartford is so awful and it turns out it was all the white frat bros that ruined


Killed the whole movie. I mean sure passions where high but by doing that in essence means everyone's dead Django Broomhilda and him. It was a dumb move and did not belong in the movie what so ever there's a million things they could of done that would of resolved the situation. But nooooo I'm mad i lost money and I

Killed the whole movie. I mean sure passions where high but by doing that in essence means everyone's dead Django Broomhilda and him. It was a dumb move and did not belong in the movie what so ever there's a million things they could of done that would of resolved the situation. But nooooo I'm mad i lost money and I

I liked this movie until the inexplicable part where the character refuses to shake hands [trying to keep it spoiler free] I mean what the hell was that about? It ruined pretty much everything and it came out of left field, so out of character.

I liked this movie until the inexplicable part where the character refuses to shake hands [trying to keep it spoiler free] I mean what the hell was that about? It ruined pretty much everything and it came out of left field, so out of character.

sounds brutal

sounds brutal

eXiles vs their ruthless version of weapon X would be an amazing superhero team movie

eXiles vs their ruthless version of weapon X would be an amazing superhero team movie