Dig Up Stupid

I heard the Eagles were playing in the cab on the Edge's ride out of Malibu. Edge fucking hates the Eagles, man.

Counter culture taking a beating
Midge's heroin addiction was disappointing from a character development standpoint which seems to be a part of the show in various forms. The representatives of the counter culture that Don and Peggy interact with in the show are frequently drawn with broad stereotypical brushes. It

Harvey Danger love
Good to see the love for HD in the comments previous to this. Something about me likes the fact that most people don't know them at all…

In contrast to this inventory
Menudo on Silver Spoons seems to stand the test of time. Appropriately shitty for 80s sitcom gold

I told those fudge-packers I liked Michael Bolton's music!

Employee of the Month
No mention of this random role in the article. I don't know why but I find myself watching a majority of this movie when I stumble upon it on IFC.

Andy Capp takes down this pot with yet another Simpsons gem.

With it being filmed here, I think a lot of people from St. Louis are excited to see this on the big screen. Either way it should look better than the section of St. Louis used in Escape from New York.