
They put a small t on his grave for T-Dog, the best person ever to have existed.  Through legend, he becomes the 2nd coming of Christ.

Wow.  That was harsh…

Wow.  That was harsh…

This was the first time we heard Mike's last night right?  I dont think I would have missed it since my dad and brother are both Mike Fabers!!!

This was the first time we heard Mike's last night right?  I dont think I would have missed it since my dad and brother are both Mike Fabers!!!

Great idea but WHAT ABOUT DONNA???

Great idea but WHAT ABOUT DONNA???

Thank you Matt for being more useful in an appocalypse than freaking Carl!

Thank you Matt for being more useful in an appocalypse than freaking Carl!

I look for it every year and every year I'm disappointed.

I look for it every year and every year I'm disappointed.

What about the fact that at the beginning of the episode, everyone is hanging out by the pool in their swimsuits, but when the front lawn is covered with man-made snow, suddenly its so cold that everyone needs coats?  I didn't know that those snow companies could change local weather patterns like that…

I feel like if it had anything to do with anyone besides himself, we should know at this point.  At the very least he should tell Lori.  She should be the person he trusts the most, right?  I'm sure there have been other pressing issues but the writers want me to believe that Lori hasn't asked what Jenner said yet? 

Something that was really bothering me is the Lori being (maybe) preggo.  If that is what Jenner whispered to Rick at the CDC, then he is being a total ass for not telling her yet.  And if he waits too long, she is  going to find out herself.  I thought last episode had a few moments where Rick telling Lori that she's

Nice points, but as stated below, they didn't seem to have an urgency.  I don't think they really expect to find her at this point, but Rick feels that its his fault she's lost.  Which she is lost because she acted like a child.  This is a zombie apocalypse.  This seems like it would be a perfect opportunity to learn

I don't see the problem with Rick taking his son on the search and rescue mission, if he was going to use it to teach his son how to actually live in this world.  He will be a teenager in a few years and he will have to learn to fight at some point.  Now is a good time to train how to be silent and watchful, which