
So are you upset that an article specifically about rape (it's in the title!) in Game of Thrones didn't talk about violence and murder in the show?

It was actually Sigur Ros, not just Jonsi.

I guess Jeoffrey isn't a fan of Sigur Ros. Of course he wouldn't be. He is (was) awful.

Oh you and your silly expectation for the writers to actually follow the rules of their own show. I suppose you think they should use logic too, huh? Pfft.

Yes it is stupid. But this is The Walking Dead so that makes it genius?

I also wondered why all the cabinet doors were open, but the cabinets were still stocked with food.

I totally agree that this was a terrible episode but they have explained how the leashed zombies worked. I happened to catch a couple of clips of previous seasons during the
marathon that AMC was running and I just happened to tune-in to a part
in season 3(?) in the town. The town people had just found Michone and

I happened to catch a couple of clips of previous seasons during the marathon that AMC was running and I just happened to tune-in to a part in season 3(?) in the town. The town people had just found Michone and Andrea and the scientist guy was explaining how the leashed walkers work. He actually said that if you cut

So both Community and Parks and Rec have episodes about trying to get things done through the bureaucratic maze. NBC tends to do this alot—have multiple shows on the same night go with the same theme. I felt like this happened pretty often with the Office and Community.

So this theory probably has already been advanced, but here goes anyways:

No Sunny in Phili again. :(

I know this episode had soooo many problems but it lost me when there were 2 guys sitting in a van staring at a park where children were playing and no one bothered to call the cops on them. The cops would have been there in a heartbeat.

And that's why you don't color on other people's things.

And it seems that they left without the Governor first teaching them some basic zombie survival skills. Great decisions all around!

Actually they were leases, not rentals.

No these are theories that I stole from people in real life :)

That was my other theory.  That Jesse lives because he is the only one who feels he doesn't deserve to.

Who knows? Vince and Co are really good about making things happen in ways you never expected.

He may just not be found alive.

I have a few theories for the finale: