Finally saw that last week and was impressed. What do you make of him and the guy he once saved sitting by that aquarium, and his final laugh? It was the only moment I couldn't quite put my finger on.
Finally saw that last week and was impressed. What do you make of him and the guy he once saved sitting by that aquarium, and his final laugh? It was the only moment I couldn't quite put my finger on.
And yet Dowd loves, loves, loves Kelly Reichardt. I read the glowing review here of Meek's Cutoff. I used Wikipedia and some Oregon Trail history sites to read up on the real-life events behind it. Fascinating stuff, and plenty of material for a tense dramatic film. Then I had the chance to see the "movie." The worst…
She died in an SUV? Wow, she was an actress ahead of her time…
I just want to thank you for your user name, and the countless hours of Impossible Mission and Questron that it conjures up.
Saw this on HBO last night, time for my necro-post! I agree, Sepsis.
Saw this on HBO last night, time for my necro-post! I agree, Sepsis.
Felicia's Journey is kinda awesome. It just gets so far into your head. I was so invested in Felicia's well-being, and at the same time so filled with dreadful fascination over what Bob Hoskins would do next, while finding it impossible not to pity him.
@avclub-5934f8d8c7553f3a03d2f898e03d721c:disqus Does this make you… the Dreck-sorcist?
And if you don't get a little gut-wrenched when Riddick bawls out "Not for me!" close to the end, I don't wanna know ya…
I think the fact that Romney was successfully attacked for his comments at that fundraiser is a damning indictment of the quality of moral and civic reasoning in our culture, and his subsequent backpedaling a disgrace on his part. There is no equivalence whatsoever between the statements:
I take your point, take5, and would answer that the word "possibility" in my post above could be replaced by the word "consequences" and perhaps be more accurate. Ameliorating the consequences of failure? Right there with you. Erasing them altogether? Bad idea.
I really wasn't intending to lay out a schematic for the detailed policies and social ramifications of same for the Republican Party. My remarks were targeted at debunking the false assertion that they are social Darwinists—a label that could be applied much more accurately to the views of many Libertarians, and is…
That was a petty cheap shot pandering to the dominant local demographic. I hope Rowan learns to do better as he (and his writing) matures.
She never died, but being modified to serve as the bio-command module for a Shadow vessel and then functioning in that role for a while rendered her incapable of being recovered as the person she once was. Her personality was an artificial construct, much like those of the "death of personality" criminals in earlier…
@nummymuffincookoobutter:disqus Yeah, even if it's a little weird (both as itself and as a Riddick story) I've watched it more than once because it's kinda cool in some spots and kinda fun in others.
I have a theory about Chronicles. The prison break is classic Riddick all the way. Just about everything else comes from a universe that has no discernible link to Pitch Black. It's vast and epic, full of characters with backstories that are sketched so lightly that you feel like you are only seeing the tip of a…
Could be because Refa had gained status in the royal court and had allies of his own, plus had spread the word about the poisoning schtick. If Londo were to finish the two-part poison now, everyone would know who did it and, with the power struggle roughly even, the backlash would have been dangerous. By framing Refa…
Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star? We do! We do!
Sometimes we talk about JMS' dialogue weaknesses and how strong performances redeem them. In this case I think it's the opposite. I LOVE the stuff about "Who decides this and that in the background of our lives? Don't know? Ah, I'm with them!" If it had been delivered with cool, confident strength and a suave air of…
Well, it would definitely prove to them that he's, um, one up on them.