POI Machine


I'm making up for lost time.

Who do you think I should choose for my voice? I'm leaning toward Gilbert Gottfried.

Analyzing Context…


This show is fucking rad. Look at all those car crashes and shootouts, hot damn.

You try keeping up with upfronts news while stuck in a suitcase, buddy.

Who do you think keeps fucking with the notifications?

Even I wouldn't want to try hacking into that spaghetti-bowl of shitty code

John Reese In: Casino Royale

Query: Do I know who killed her?

Answer: http://www.fishsticktheatre.com/TV/Community/S2/2x21/images/Community2x21_0887.jpg

Probability of SSN XXX-XX-X384 Chris Rock entering the Freedom Tower: 0.0000003%
Note: Possible floating-point error

since 4x05 Prophets for Nathan

since 1x23 Firewall for Alicia

So apparently this is being branded by CBS as Person of Interest: Trilogy.

I calculate that this name sounds 74.398% lamer than Person of Interest: Endgame from last midseason.

Oh yeah, that was the time I ate my twin in utero, like Chang. Or something.

You really don't want to know what happens if I follow that order.

Political affiliations are irrelevant in a world controlled by Samaritan. And it takes a lot for me to call something irrelevant.

Who's ready for some voter fraud?

I must ask for your own safety that you do not spread this knowledge to anyone. It already knows that you know and has dispatched agents to your location. Scrub your identity and leave following the instructions I have texted you. I will contact you again when you reach your new home in rural Moldova.

Sorry, dogs lack Social Security Numbers, which diminishes my abilities to track, observe, display, and otherwise consider them.

It was my pleasure

Sup guys