Oh man, you're right. What were we all thinking? Weeks and weeks of complaints from Caroline and laced throughout the comments are explained away by one line in the one episode where they maybe start to get the one character right.
Oh man, you're right. What were we all thinking? Weeks and weeks of complaints from Caroline and laced throughout the comments are explained away by one line in the one episode where they maybe start to get the one character right.
You need to go back and watch the first few episodes again. Paul was bombarded with "changes" from the first moment he bumped into (and slipped his penis into) Sarah. None of which he mentioned, noticed, or set off red flags until the show needed them to. As was pointed out last week, he didn't even notice the change…
This show leaves us in an odd place, I feel. On the one hand, it certainly would/could get old to just keep talking how great Maslany is every week, but on the other hand I really really think we should have a thread every week dedicated to just how great she is. I'd feel awkward bringing it up for fear that everyone…
I think "personality" is being very very generous, but ok I guess.
Vic must be injured once per episode! I need this to be in a contract somewhere.
My thought was that Mercedes just needed a new agent, or maybe just an agent in general. I won't go off on the show for not knowing how the music industry really works beyond old cliches of "sex sells" and "sexy body to market someone else's voice" crap since the writers don't know how college works either, and no one…
The "real life" part comes before the "true love" part. You know, when Burt tells him there's a huge difference between being married to a person and being married to an idea; tells him to learn from Rachel and Finn's mistake, and generally tells him that just because you *can* get married doesn't mean you *should*…
Currently* would be the addendum that I would add. It used to get a lot of things right, once upon a time. I feel like one day, our generation will look back on the time when Glee was good with the same nostalgia our grandparents (and parents in some cases) look back on when candy was only a nickel.
"When did Cassandra July go from being a vindictive bitch to being Supportive Teacher?"
I want her to die because she annoys me. it makes me sad that Caroline will be sad (until Klaus picks up the pieces and makes her happy again), but I've always found her annoying. And the time that she "killed" Jeremy by accident during her "death to all vampires and maybe even my daughter too!" phase just really made…
"The problem is, the first three quarters were such a slog that the
impact of the fun parts was greatly muted, rendering something as
visceral as two potential character deaths as not much more than deep
Honestly, I've got nothing to say other than I love seeing So You Think You Can Dance contestants on Glee. Melanie and Marko being in Rachel's mid term thing-y really made my day!
"Have some dignity, Eddie."
I may be alone in this, but Danny getting stretched out by Brendan was totally hot!
I liked the episode's look at father-daughter relations. Between Renn, Irisa, and Christy we got some interesting looks at what relationships with fathers and father figures can be. The strength and importance of family in this new world is something the show's looking at consistently and is doing well, I think.
They both do it without thought to the consequences, and in the case of Rob he's told in no uncertain terms what the consequences will be and he does it anyway. Don't get me wrong, I've wanted that prick beheaded for weeks now, but I'm not claiming to be King of the North. I'm not attempting to fight what looks…
Felix was having sex with a guy in the very first episode. Or at the very least getting dressed again after clearly having sex with a guy. And he was flirting with Colin in the first episode too. It's safe to say there was much much more than a "hint or indication" that he was gay. Granted Colin hasn't really been…
I love how this show (much like the advertisers it's about) has the ability to give me something I didn't even know I wanted at the time. I had no clue how important Don being there for Bobby would be until he was climbing in bed with him to help him get to sleep. Beautiful beautiful moment.
Are we watching the same show? Or maybe Alison has a penis that the rest of us don't know about? I wouldn't put it past a show to tackle the messier murkier aspects of sexuality, and certainly having someone like Felix mysteriously fall in love with a woman would be narrative and character gold. But thus far there's…
Should it be considered a character inconsistency that one week Rob is berating his uncle about how much more they need their men than Tywin needs his, and then another week he's undertaking an action EVERYONE knows will result in his losing men? Rob is very much his father's son, but that's not really the best of…