Yeah and

The other problem with the spa scenes is the whole New Age bit is outdated by at least 15 years. Probably should have gotten a relaxation rec from Gonzo- that'd have been great.

That is one of the most underappreciated Jim Henson appearances, as far as I'm concerned.

She's going to need some revenge on the Electric Mayhem.
I mean, I'm sure she called her agent and he sent a car for her, but it was still rude of them.

Any time Lips and/or Zoot speaks, you know it's gonna be great.

We're not supposed to be rooting for them to break up, though. It's more about Piggy still being the same old Piggy even if she's not dating Kermit. She's over him, and that's a good thing.

Not until the credits, honestly.

This is definitely a new Janice puppet.

They're so out there in space that they probably were never on their way to Floyd's parents in the first place. I imagine they stopped in Reno for the night and headed home.

I like how Chip was already going through Denise's browser history before Kermit even said no to the idea.

I have way too many jokes for this.

More likely a reference to there being 52 weeks in a year.

Exactly- Kermit's been in a relationship with Piggy so long that he doesn't know how to handle a more regular relationship.

I enjoyed it.

She's a queen B, that's for sure.

If you're a Kardashian, it is.

I'd love for Kate to show up on the show, for any reason. Maybe she and Gonzo could go on a date- they'd make a good couple.

Yeah, he keeps it up as a shrine to what once was, if I remember correctly.

I think Bobo would have fit in well on Seinfeld.

From Ursinus College?

Four legs good, two legs better!