Yeah and

More that she has crappy taste when she's drunk.

I know- but not starring in it! Admittedly, that'd be a lot but hopefully they'd at least cameo in it.

And he was even more white-bread than that in the 90's!

Yes, it was David Wain. But, they're not the opposite of their real life personalities- it's more that they're exaggerations of their real life personalities and how they were when they actually were early to mid 20's. And they're no secret- there have been some great articles about them even when Broad City was just

If he's got Civil War shit, it's likely he'd have stuff from other American wars as well.
Or maybe she just didn't care about what he was saying. I mean, how can you date someone long enough to move your stuff in and never let them see your nipples?

Adele is closer to Ilana than Alia (5 letters, vowel, consonant, vowel pattern). Also, I had a weird feeling they were making a stealth joke about John Travolta's mangling of Idina Menzel's name.

I don't know- I tend to go with the opinion that dating someone who looks like you is more akin to masturbation than narcissism or incest. Then again, I'm not attracted to men, so I have no experience to speak from.

That's a shame. Hope they were just having an off night.

I was thinking "The Kweens Of Comedy".

I don't know- I'm a guy too but if I was washing my hands in front of the paper towels and finished about when someone else did, I'd offer a towel. Then again, I'm practically a Southern boy (it's complicated- grew up in a Northern state, but technically south of the Mason-Dixon Line).

I just love seeing all these international Broad City fans. It seems like such a specific experience but the worldwide appeal is heartwarming. If we could get Abbi and Ilana to broker peace talks, the world would be a better place.

Exactly- it was this huge thing a couple of episodes ago, in "Citizen Ship".

He's not her boyfriend- it's purely physical (though Lincoln wants it to become something more).

The eyes, yeah, but Nicki's face is more rounded and her lips are fuller.

Pizza Hut's my top choice for national chains too, though I'll admit a Barbeque Chicken from California Pizza Kitchen's pretty good too. But yeah, go for local if you can.

Sexy Dance Fighting Butt Fanfiction!

"I'm your worst nightmare."

It was there since at least Season 2, I think, but it's all about interpretation with Seinfeld.

Also, she wants to hang with Kelly Ripa, and that coat is her in.

Def- the Season 2 DVD can't come out soon enough for me.