
How come this article doesn't mention stopping in 1984 to catch a viewing of repoman while its still in theaters? We need an article about that

You definite right about that old top! But wasn't it sweet when you could be in like with just one website? Now take like five of the best writers to go work on a fucking repo man piece please!

While I find any article involving Norwegian black metal utterly fascinating - I must insist that instead of writing articles about asshole viking sympathizers someone should be writing articles about the critically acclaimed 1984 theatrical movie repo man with Emilio Estevez as the starring role - I think someone

Instead of articles talking about juggalos that contains typographical errors I wish there was a guy who loved the juggalos and spent years with them that could provide a true insight to this years gathering - at the very least an article about the 1980s feature film repo man featuring Emilio Estevez 

Instead of writing articles about dumb bands doing dumb 80s shit someone should write a article about the 80s film repo man with Emilio Estevez and put that on the internet for people to talk about

Adim - not sure if you are still on the line but you get that guy from the hit 1984 movie repo man to star in your next film, his name is Emilio Estevez - someone should write an article about that movie and guy to talk about instead of you and this movie

Finally someone is saying what we are all thinking! I'm glad someone wrote about that!

Finally someone takes the initiative to talk about the hit 80s movie Repo Man and in fact they just end up talking about some terrible television(?) show - someone should talk about the Emilio Estevez vehicle Repo man - I wish someone would talk about that

Its easy to understand, really - its because this show sucks and isn't anything like the hit 80's movie repo man with Emilio Estevez. Instead of talking about this stephen king tele-novel someone should be talking about that movie

You are almost right, except you are forgetting No Redeeming Social Value- those guys are still playing and partying as hard as Emilio Estevez in that movie repo men - I wish someone would write an article about that

Repo Shark - like a play on that movie with Emilio Estevez from the 80's repo men? Someone should write an article about that

That's an awesome drawing for the punk band black flag -  if this guy did it he is awesome too. You know who would have liked this drawing? Emilio Estevez's character in the movie repo man - someone should do an article about that

Yeah but Emilio Estevez was a punk in the movie repo man and he didn't deserve to die - someone should write an article on that

The changeling reminds me of how Emilio Estevez would changeling so many people's lives by repossessing their cars in the movie repo man. Someone should write an article on that

They should have done a repo men parody - someone should write an article on that

Emilio Estevez loved punk music in that movie repo men, I wish someone would write an article on that