
Has anyone else realized that Ed Sheeran is now just a pile of ash.

Game of Thrones episode 4: In which Drogon makes Jaime Lannister his bitch.

Come on, Sweet Caroline, Cracklin Rosie. Those are some great jams.

Some people just don't get it, there is no helping them

Oh crap I just said that in public didn't I?

There is nothing wrong with jamming out to some Neil Diamond.

6, yup 6

I shouldn't have read that list, he got number 1 right, but that was basically a gimme. But damn that guy doesn't know shit about good Pink Floyd.

For me its almost always number 2

Yeah but all the doors are Danzig size, so no one but children can fit through them easily.

Me too, the shame is has been a hard burden to bear.

Some people just don't have any respect for the craft.

I stole it, then I pawned it for 30 bucks. There is someone out there right now using your outrage for their own gain.

Now we have this but still no show based on Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo.

I'll put $10 on the under on number of deaths, $20 on a Tarly who will almost certainly die and unfortunately I think Bron is will meet the Stranger this week so $20 on the field .

Well, Liberals Love Cool Jay

Some folks grow more handsome and distinguished with age. Not Miller of course, that guys looks like his face is eating itself.

At least Hans was well read.

Oh god I hope a trend of selfies begin with people in the Fox viewing position

I get everything on my antenna but CBS.