
Well I won't try to dispute that, and you can buy fireworks there so I guess the state has some things going for it.

Mobile and Birmingham, I have family in both parts. I also have been to Huntsville, but I was little then.

The only one I ever cared for was the Temeraire series of books.

You think so? I've been there on multiple occasions, it was pretty crappy.

Wyverns they're Wyverns dammit

Yet the smug shown through any way.

Dude learn to count, its way past the number 4

So they were kidnapped from their homes, forced into slavery, freed and then given Alabama? Talk about a raw deal.

Right now some comedian thought they were about to get their break by playing Moochie but instead just found out their part is just a walk on role.

or spits on them… one of the two

Ok this place is fun, but if you want to really see something funny/scary go to right wing outlet and watch the trumpers act like this was all a master plan by donnie.

You have liberal coworkers? I am so jealous.

Your not the real DJT (your hands are way to big)

Don't sweat it, there is still much flailing to go before this ride ends.

That guy is already president

Bring on the trolls from thedonald to bitch endlessly about typo's and this not being entertainment news

A lot less bowel movements too.

When Petyr sits the Iron Throne the Dewey Decimal system will be enforced. No more of this chains tied to books nonsense.

The meeting of The Queen of Thorns and Lyanna Mormont will never happen. That sucks.

Did you notice Petyr look at the Maester when he mentioned all the old Maesters letters were copied and saved.