
Not everything is going to do "The Hunger Games" numbers. It's actually doing fairly well still, even going into its fourth week. Crowds seem to be liking it and spreading the word. And it's doing amazing compared to all the YA films that tried and failed - Vampire Academy, The Host, Beautiful Creatures, The Mortal

It's driving me nuts. Because I could believe - in a Primary without Democrat votes - that Sally could be beating Fitz. But for Sally to be beating Fitz, he'd have to be losing ALL of the Republican votes, basically.

What's possibly most unbelievable to me is that - 6 days before the Presidential election:

Or… you pretty much hate all the characters at this point, and Fitz is one of them.

I assume, as usual, I can blame FOX. I doubt airing it out of order was Kaling's call.

Same episode, different opinions. Who would have thunk it.

Exactly. As much as I would have adored seeing Danny and Mindy together for a longer period of time, his issues made sense. His breakup - and reasoning for it - was sincere.

I think he's a polarizing character - I find him completely endearing in his goofiness.

Stupid meddling. When I found this out, it made SO much sense.

The thing is, with McConaughey, we saw that there was actual talent there, but he chose crap roles. A lot of these - I'm not sure the "actual talent" applies.

It's almost to the point where Emily needs to bring Charlotte into the fold just to avoid her messing everything up. And to make her actually significant.

I have to say, I was very impressed with Barry Sloane's acting last night, and I haven't been in about a season or so.

I think that, considering the Ted/Tracy scenes in "Vesuvius" where is is very much alluded to that Tracy is sick, they could have left it out, because viewers sort of got a glimpse of that in that episode. And if they wanted to run with that allusion, then they can, and if they want to wonder if they were talking

I'm glad you brought up the Dexter comparison because, as a fan of both series, they are about on equal footing for me in terms of finale disappointment. HIMYM is slightly better because, unlike with Dexter, I could see what they were going for plot-wise, but with HIMYM they executed it very very poorly. Had the show

Dexter - the opening credits were smartly done and the music was creepy and comical.