
I also went to a live performance of Brand Upon the Brain at Chicago's Music Box Theatre, with my screening narrated by Crispin Glover, who was as awesome as you would expect. I think the DVD attempts to replicate the experience, allowing you to choose which narrator you want, but there's nothing like being there in

"I left him at hospital to make bowling."

He watches it on iTunes!

Or, you know, he could have undercut the glamour by reducing him to a shadow of his former self, ineffectually seeking petty revenge and getting murdered by a ten year old.

The scene that gets me is the suicide scene in The Royal Tenenbaums. What really got me was the second time I watched it, since it was a little bit of a surprise the first time, but the second time I knew it was coming, so the anticipation during that whole scene where Luke Wilson is shaving his head and crying just

If you're going to cry at Castaway, it should be when Wilson floats away.

The Usual Suspects would be another big instigator of this trend, I suspect.

I watched this one not too long ago, and I was pretty sure while it was going on that the whole plot was devised by the crew as a way to make sure Picard enjoyed his vacation. I still think that would have been a good way to end it, and I agree that having the time travellers turn out to be con men would also have