Two-Faced Armored Demon

There's really no way to save the show at this point.  If it does come back, which would only happen to eliminate any possibility that the show could be tolerable, it will be more of the same.  It took them the entire first season to get to the logical starting point (cut off from the future, mysteries to explore),

For a moment there near the end when it was painfully obvious that Lucas was going to try to off his dad, I thought that maybe, just maybe they would have Taylor grow some balls and stab his crazy evil son.  I could have forgiven the whole creepy pseudo-incest subtext if Taylor stepped up and cleaned up his own mess. 

Forget guns, they don't even have pointy stick technology, aside from when Taylor and Mira are facing off against some dinos and have a few hours to prepare.

I get the impression that he's the kind of guy who read the classics in abridged graphic novel form.  Possibly condensed into a single volume.

Anecdotes are all well and good, but there are documented cases of passenger electronics interfering with aircraft sensors and systems.  They typically involve electronic devices that are not operating as intended due to manufacturing defects, damage, wear and tear, etc.  While the chance of a problem is probably

As tempting as that sapphic struggle for survival would be, I would go in a different direction.  This show needs to be wiped clean, so I would swap out the entire cast with the cast of Eureka.  They already have the exact same characters, so why not bring in the actors who are most familiar with them?  It's not like

I'm partial to Stop and Shop brick oven whole wheat myself.  Thick and hearty like rye, but tasty like wheat.  That's my position and I'm not going to budge.

No, Tim Curry.  Crazy Tim Curry who's been out in the woods by himself for way too long.  And has creepy conversations with young girls.  Huge missed opportunity here.

I would think that if you try to kill the sheriff's daughter, you would wander off in the middle of the night and "accidentally" walk off a cliff.  And since we'll never find out what happened, that's what I'll assume happened.

Definitely stupider.  The collection of stock characters in cliched situations (with dinosaurs!) (that you can't see due to budget constraints) would work well as a 30 minute animated Venture Brothers clone.  Think about it, the leader's unseen lunatic son, the noble scientist turned evil by cockblocking hubby, the

She's not autistic, she's plot-istic - she'll be capable of anything intellectual if the plot calls for it.  So when the brother needs someone to decipher the formulas out by the waterfall, she will dutifully assist him.  When it comes to recognizing a heavily-armed stalker though, not so much.  

Well, the end of this episode did seem to establish the character as a homicidal psychopath, so maybe they're building up to it slowly.  I haven't watched this show before (left it on after Person of Interest, won't be making THAT mistake again), so the disappearing gun bit made him seem a bit more evil without

Marketing Gone Weird
Was I the only one who picked up on the stealth promotion of Iron Man 2? The mechanical heart / Operation gag was straight out of Iron Man, right down to the hero being attacked at home and having his heart device stolen (and then replacing it with a more primitive alternative). You would think

"a light sheet covering him from the waste down"
Wouldn't that be all of him? Or the whole show? Or was that supposed to be a reference to his unseen mutilated genitals?

Green-Screened Lake House?
Seriously? They couldn't find a house by a lake to film at? At least it looked so low budget that it might have been cheaper than throwing some cameras on a truck and driving to a real lake, but it's just lazy. I couldn't even pay attention to the inane plot after seeing that scene.

I haven't screamed "Are you a total fucking moron?" at the TV this many times in an hour since Season 3 of Heroes…

They went a bit overboard with the whole First Wave thing. They already had a former crook working for the good guys to fight mysterious secret invaders, but did they really need the exact cast, terminology, and dialogue from the show too? If they add a guy who can secrete silver stuff that makes him invisible and a

Cut the guy some slack, it's not easy being the Voice of This Generation. He's just trying to do his job, which is a real challenge when people start saying things that aren't the same as the things he's thinking. There can't be two voices of a generation, so Kanye just has to get up there and set the record