
Just so I don't have to read the rest of the comments…
does anyone else think that everyone of these movies looks pretty terrible?

Way of the Gun? More like "Way of the Guts," as in "blood and…"

Don't you guys mean this:

@ Wolf Man,
It was filmed in London, but the setting for the movie was supposed to be New York. Note how nobody has any kind of British accent.

@Fat old hairy guy,
Yes, Kubrick loved the Simpsons, as well as Roseanne and Married with Children. I've only read one of his biographies (the short one by Michael Herr) but little factoid was one thing I remembered as well as the quote from Kubrick that "not every movie is good but no movie is not worth seeing,"

Am I mistaken or did Jack Nicholson and James Spader once have an asshole-off in a barn?

I think that Hapless Flunky wins the Internets.
Best. Underappreciated. Simpsons reference. Ever.

Yes, I believe it's unedited. But best of all, it's on Netflix Instant flicks.

I always thought that since Cruise and Kidman's marriage fell apart shortly after this movie was released they somehow were affected by the content of it. But that's just me. I was 17 when this first came out and just first getting interested in film, and then finding out that Kubrick died after it was