
So what…
Those "manly" British actors still have to fake an American accent. We can't tell the difference anyway.

He's gonna get her pregnant!
Even though she's in her mid-forties and the baby'll probably have down syndrome.

But he could very well kick my ass.

Feel good movie of the year, eh guys?

Another Failure?
When was the last Fiasco?

That tears it.
All that's left is hardcore porn for her…

I like this type of comment better when it actually fit the thing it was talking about.

Thank you, Mr. Alphabet.

When did Scott Tobias die?

It's supposed to be a secret who the outgoing premier ballerina is?
Every other review spoiled it. Just check the cast list for God's sake.

That's weird
In the print form they gave this movie an A, not an A-.
Which is right?

They're a bit off here.
Bill Clinton is having a cameo in Hangover 2, which is pretty inexplicable, but he's not replacing Mel Gibson. Liam Neeson is replacing him in the role of "kooky tatoo artist."

"B. Palin" doesn't know the first thing about acting.
Seriously, at last the Situation here knows how to play himself. This girl doesn't even know how to pretend she has a personality.

John Mulaney
single-handedly saved this episode.

But Seriously…
How I Met Your Mother totally schools Mad Men.
I mean, which one has NPH? Huh?

An F for Rob Reiner?
Could this movie actually be worse than North?

Piranha II? Was that the one where they had wings and could fly?

I am so gonna see that movie.

Man, fuck Soderbergh. Katie Morgan is 10x the actress Sasha Grey will ever be.

Oh, well as long as you're xenophobic then that's ok.