Doggy Bounce

Listen, my life sucks right now. I told the only person I ever loved that I love them and they wont say they feel the same way or not (whats so hard about a yes or a no?), and I've had to live with that, and every minute feels like forever.

I agree that Maldroit is very good and underated. But regardless, the best part was when the band used to put 'in progress' versions of tracks on their site and you could download and comment on. It was really neat seeing how the music changed through that process, and listening to the final product gave you this

Hmmmm…nice attempt at a passable 'Newfie', Second Class.

Agreed, McFuklestein. Posting after the dicussion is probabaly long dead, but I need to say a big thanks for this as well.

Same with me, Mr. Wally. My wife loves sitcomes and I generally make a big deal of hating them. But there was something about KoQ that worked.

You can use fake names on the internet? Finally, no more Doggy Bounce fer me!!

After lurking for over a year, I finally caved in, and I'd have to credit the redesign for that. It's actually the only site I've ever posted on, and I credit the quality of the site for that. Thanks, AVClub!