
Because it's Valentines day, I'm about to completely nerd out and speculate about a pattern I noticed:

Really satisfying end to a show that I wasn't always sure I loved, but always made me cry. (trying to suppress all my, "why do impossibly great things keep happening to Kristina you-are-the-opposite-of-batman Braverman?")

Husband! If you take a look at that scene again, they're both showing off their wedding rings a lot. The director really didn't want us to guess : )

I completely agree with olivececile. Jess isn't working at a temporary food stand anymore- she has a career she loves and being fired for breaking the rules will affect her future. I don't think she's being "square" in considering that. I think that most women would pick their careers over a guy they'd never even been

I agree too. And you're right about Buffy, but to their credit, Buffy's mom was generally conveniently out of town doing museum stuff and then she died, Xander's family was a
mess, Tara's family was also a mess, and Willow's mom tried to burn her at the stake once (did they ever reconcile haha?), and everyone else was

You're right, they do talk about Nick filling the hole left by the breakup with less than lovely ladies. I'm just saying that a plot line where shmidt is hooking up with someone Nick barely spent anytime with bothering Nick more than Jess hooking up the same day- seems really strange. I'm not saying that the show is

So are we treating last season as a gas leak year? I thought it was really strange that Nick was so bothered by Schmidt going on a date with someone he saw for a couple months three years ago, but not remotely affected by Jess, who he loved, trying to sleep with someone she actually cared about in the next room on