
She was the girlfriend who got less screen time, Sylvie. I picked her out immediately but almost couldn't believe it. Moonrise Kingdom doesn't seem like that long ago…

Kara Hayward is also in Manchester by the Sea if you haven't seen it yet.

I liked this album, but I sort of feel like they blew their load too early and released all of the best songs as singles. Half the album was released beforehand; it sort of leaves me feeling like this is more of an extended EP rather than an LP.

Favorite shitty line: Scully driving through a packed highway, panicked, "All I see is cars!"

I have to agree, the murder sub-plot just seems like Scorsese box checking, and a lazy thing they can keep in the background and whip out whenever they need to up the stakes artificially.

I really don't see what good a reboot would do. This run of episodes seems to indicate to me that they are fresh out of good ideas, so unless they are going to hire a bunch of new writers it'll just be more mediocrity but without the two main characters that got me to watch it in the first place. Also, it seems

I think Herman Cain simply existing in the public sphere does more disservice to black people than any impression ever could.

I saw her open for Alison Krauss and Willie Nelson about a year ago, I had no idea who she was and was more than pleasantly surprised. This new record is even better than her last one, it's definitely no sophomore slump. She and Sturgill Simpson are basically keeping good country music alive.

I also enjoyed the running gag that people never smiled in photos in the 19th century.

The delete key thing literally had me yelling at the screen. I really didn't see that coming, perfect misdirection.

I'll take "And I love her" over "All my Loving" any day.

I think you are overreacting to the drug thing. I will agree that I didn't particularly like it, but that is because it seemed like lazy writing; it is as if they used the last episode to set something up and then just got distracted by the Wales plot and had to find a way to wrap things up. Tastewise though, it

I was waiting for "rimshot" after they said "Pakistani Intelligence".

I am so sick of this bullshit "cultural appropriation" argument. I'm not even a big Zeppelin fan, but the idea that they, or Elvis, or The Rolling Stones (or anyone) somehow aren't allowed to play a certain kind of music because they are the wrong race is not being sensitive, it is also racist. Any artist should be

I agree, there are lots of guests who stick to talking points. I would appreciate more guests who don't have a book to plug and just have interesting opinions or a story to tell.

Honestly, despite disagreeing with plenty of Bill Maher's opinions and the fact that lots of times the show devolves into a bunch of yelling, his show is still the most palatable of all of the political roundtables (mainly because it doesn't buy into every single scandal and wedge issue which routinely cloud the other