Filthy Von Taintstain

Whatever crack he's on, if it comes with hookers I am in

I see your bid, and raise you an overdue cheddar and a huge pile of Siberian wolf shit

Re: Michael Bay
Raped my childhood. Seriously. I have pretty lousy taste in movies and like a lot of Hollywood crap, but this made me disgusted with myself for every minute I watched it.

Luci Liu = enormous cuntrag

Re: Everclear
That Everclear story depressed the fuck out of me. They had some decent singles in the 1990s, but talk about falling apart.

Re: no way
That Transformers 2 is not #1. That film made me want to rip out my eyes even if it meant not seeing Megan Fox's jugs.

Re: what a douche
I saw this guy do a bunch of interviews about his "friend" Michael Jackson and it was clear that the guy was capitalizing on his death. He exploited Jackson, but adopted a sanctimonious tone about his failings as well. Boteach is clearly a piece of shit and deserves to be locked in one of those

My cock is also huge, whether it's in Germany or not.

Re: Kayne West is a douchebag
But the College Dropout is pretty great. Everything else he has done has been destroyed by his megalomania.

You people are fuckwits. It's clear what he's doing. He releases "Green" and "Maladroit" and everyone whines that it's not emotionally open and twisted, like Pinkerton. So he writes a therapy album full of his introspection - "Make Believe" - and tries to put away the "I will always be a twisted freak who jacks

Re: come on
Don't you all want to know if Marge's muff is blue?

I almost want to see this, except for the fact that both leads make me want to shit myself.

You know, this whole fucking thing has done something I never expected: it made me sorry for Michael Jackson.

Amen Brother. Demetri Martin = smug douche

Kayne West = douchebag

We can put a man on the moon, but we can't bomb the fuck out of it. Yet.

To quote the old dude from Trapped in a Closet Volume II, "I hope a seagull done gone shit on your head."

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