
Yeah, it's not making me too confident on how they will handle "Confederate".

No, you can't argue. You just call people names and complain about other people complaining.

By the laws of Westeros Ned wasn't murdered and Robb was an idiot for rebelling against his king.

Those morons probably read the books and knew it was a shitty way to combine the characters.

While you're whining about the PC crowd, care to explain how all these degenerates only seem to rape women and not men? That's not very realistic, is it? Bran should have been threatened with rape, Rickon should have been threatened with rape, as prisoners of war, Edmure and Jaime should have been threatened with

"The World Is Not Enough" is woefully underrated.


Again, what choice does he give Sansa or anyone else? He is making his decision right then and there.

That's the incestuous Jon Snow ship I want, tbh.

Jon needs to learn to actually hold small council meetings before meetings with the other houses so he can hear different viewpoints.

After the North basically forgot about the Starks - save for one old lady - and she had to plead for assistance and finally get the Vale involved, I can see Sansa being rather disillusioned with Northern values.

Well, it helps if you know what the rulers are going to do beforehand.

Jon has a bit to learn as well. He wants her trust but he didn't tell her about a decision he was going to make beforehand so they could have that argument beforehand.

Where is our younger and more beautiful leader when we need them?

So… they hate liberals more than conservatives but also think they're the same?

Remember that brief scene a few episodes where a female co-worker adjusts his tie and says something like "your wife should have caught that"?

And yet she got more votes than either Bernie (almost 4 million more) or Trump (almost 3 million more.)

I would still pay cash money for AV Club reviews of the early seasons of 24.

24 did the Muslims in camps plot in s6.

The season before the war was season 2 - it had white supremacists pull an Oklahoma City and Arabs being framed for an attack on US soil so some shady oil tycoons could have a war for oil against 3 innocent Middle-Eastern countries.