I thought "Smile" was a pretty thorough attack on Socialism/Communism, to be honest. Perhaps you're being oversensitive?
I thought "Smile" was a pretty thorough attack on Socialism/Communism, to be honest. Perhaps you're being oversensitive?
The unifying arc of this series is what is potentially going to lose me - Rittenhouse.
A fitting finale for a series that slowly descended into artfully produced farce.
I actually liked this one. The tension was real - and the issue was different from White Bear. Here, it was all about how far one is willing to go to mask one's horrible secrets, as well as how horrible we can be in the era of Internet Shaming in order to reveal them.
And 80s films didn't do the same thing?
Yes, the references were obvious, but I don't think that's a bad thing necessarily. Things are pretty soon on a different path.
Australians are still trying to work out what the twenty-second month is.
And it's only a B+ why?
Handlen reviews "Sixth Sense":
All that plot was, in the end, pointless. We could have found out about Bruce Willis in the first minute.
History says: A+
A belated suggestion: the target of this episode isn't Home Shopping, it's the jewellery industry and its exploitation of the people caught up in it. If you've heard of blood diamonds, you might see the conclusion differently.
So much potential squandered so quickly. Didn't anyone in the creative process at any stage say, "Wait, we're going to do WHAT?"
"Part of the problem is the persistent tonal confusion within characters and stories."
What caused the mess, do you think?
I'm not sure this show is getting enough credit, but it sure is getting enough criticism from the "I once played *instrument* in the *whogivesashit* orchestra" set.
I don't think I've loved a show more than this. MITJ so far has walked that fine line between artistry and pretension pretty well. Episodes like this one work partly because they are virtuosos in themselves.
The JFK doc actually CONFIRMS the "magic bullet"; it even points out that three shots were possible. It heavily implies that there wasn't a conspiracy. Fire the guy who made the OP
Anything that gets this much love in the comments column - even semi-sarcastic love - is an easy A.