Rich Person Justice always pulls out all the stops. How dare you do that to them!
Rich Person Justice always pulls out all the stops. How dare you do that to them!
If Punchface McFarland is 25, then I'm 30 (I am not).
Ailes knew his time was up; a world that (publicly) does not tolerate sexual harassment is one he did not want to be part of.
Let that be a lesson to those of his ilk, it's time to lie down.
But they do play Lonely Boy by Andrew Gold, where the kid leaves home because he's not an only child anymore. Anyone with annoying younger siblings can relate.
The late Richard Jeni said if you want to end a party and just make everyone leave already, throw on Wreck of Edmund Fitzgerald.
Ah, the poor man's Bruce Springsteen. Even their initials are the same.
But I always do the handclaps after hearing that Billy Mack was a detective down in Texas (*clap*clap*clap*clap*clap*)
That coveted award already went to .38 Special.
I always called it the "What's that Smell?" look.
These places can get away with crap food at outrageous prices because their usual clientele, old rich people, don't know shit about good food. They grew up in a time where meat had to be burnt to kill off bacteria, vegetables were boiled to hell and all fruit came from a can. They go to restaurants every night where…
He is also a devoted Deadhead.
(*Kimball always has the munchies joke here*)
I love their little tricks to bring out the best in recipes. Does your cookbook have the Salisbury Steak with mushroom sauce? The secret is using potato flakes instead of breadcrumbs. Who knew?
But the thing is…their recipes ARE better.
Seriously, Kimball and Co. go through several trials before anything is presented on the show. One egg recipe saw the sacrifice of 12-dozen eggs before the final product was settled on.
This weekend Mr Acts made scones using their from-scratch recipe. A nightmare for a…
Is this why .38 Special (i.e. the poor man's Boston) is still played on rock stations? I can't imagine a hard-core .38 Special fan exists, getting really pumped when "Caught up in You" is on the radio.
I travel to London a couple times a year. It sucks to stress about finding a toilet in the city. I have to pee, yo!
It's why I usually vote "no" to any proposals in local elections and amendments in state constitutions. What, you want ANOTHER dumbass statute that will be obsolete in five years but yet stay on the books forever?
Lol, introducing high speed internet to help schools, that's a good one. It seems like all these projects that ultimately make fat cats a ton of money start with, "Let's help public schools and the children!"
And it's going to happen again. A huge digital spectrum auction is in the works. Sellers: television broadcasters that were given swaths of digital airspace for free by the government for so-called alternate and educational programming. Buyers: Verizon and AT&T.
Lewis CK said it: You want shit done? Throw a bunch of people you don't care about at it. You think slavery doesn't exist anymore? How do you like paying only 200 bucks for a smart phone?
And then with the arrival of Napster users were accused of "stealing" and a small handfull of grandmas and kids were sued for a stupid amount of money. They claimed that Napster and streaming were "taking money away from artists". No, it only threatened industry middlemen, lawyers and anyone who takes a cut from…