
I ordered mine with something else that got pushed back to two weeks from tomorrow…. Can't wait, but also still have a few tour episodes to catch up with in between. How are the longer episodes.

Ventura is on Comedy Big Bang Theory today and they discussed his (real life) insane take on drone technology and Jon Daly just kept making references to the Chilli Peppers. It was glorious.

Made redundant by Kyle Ryan's comment below.

I actually thought Sean Conroy was the MVP of the episode.

The end of Preacher will get a lot of negative attention from religious groups. That's all I can say without spoilers.

I find it very inconsistent from episode to episode but I also do with Always Sunny. And I'd recommend the same thing for either show. Start with an accepted classic (respectively for shows: season one Juggallo episode; season 2, addicted to crack;) and if you like it keep watching. People who really like the actors

I didn't mind the shit joke, but I did think the fish thing from last week was maybe the worst thing they'd ever done, so I understand anyone who was burned out on grossout gags, but it was at least quick and well timed and not dragged out over an episode.

That'd be mostly true if 30 Rock didn't have an amazing final season that was somehow more emotional than the shitty final Office season airing concurrent, and more satisfying as a finale than either AD finale.

That was the line of the night for me. Otherwise, I thought it was a pretty good episode that wasn't worth the (extremely rare non minused) A.

I find Cracked very hit or miss. I haven't listened in a few weeks…. did I miss any good ones?

Hank Hill loves Willie Nelson, ferchrissakes. It makes sense.

I'd say that started in season 6, actually.

It's not. I prefer Parks seasons 4 and 5, while still enjoying the respective seasons of the Office. Season 6 was where it jumped the shark for me.

A long game that goes back to season 1, episode 5 and still hasn't resulted in her learning ANYTHING.

That was one of the few later episodes that I thought made Michael Scott work that didn't involve him falling in love with whatsherface.

Exactly. Her being blind to a friend's point of view is one thing, her abusing government policy is another entirely.

I don't want Leslie to always be right either but I'm tired of her doing things that are clearly morally wrong.

I very much like that idea in concept but it should be used a bit more sparingly. There have been at least four episodes this year where she was reduced to a streamroller.

This show is much stronger than the Office was at the same point in it's run, but I'm starting to get that later seasons Michael Scott vibe from Leslie…