
That is a really uncomfortable chicken-egg scenario. At which point did you first think to harvest their blood to irradiate yourselves?

Yeah, I think that would have been good - or similarly, if it was an echo of the Mount Weather confrontation, instead of repeating the Kane calming down Abby arc - portray a (if only partial) change in leadership. This was partially achieved with the grounders backing Clarke, but to see the Ark soldiers reacting in a

Have really enjoyed your reviews/discussions. So thanks for that! I also flipped when Clarke put the massacre on Murphy and Raven for suggesting they take Murphy over Finn. Finn was always at fault, the discussion has really been about what price he should pay, is redemption possible and how much do we value the

Couldn't agree more, been waiting for Finn to die (how mean!) but was completely expecting the show to save him. The way they did it (and that they actually did it) was great.

Yeah, I'd agree. While more backstory is nice, what we've seen of Raven makes it clear enough that she's driven by science (find other word) and I find it convincing enough that the thought of experiencing zero G keeps her going.