The Orthographist

Anytime you see something like that, a wizard did it.

Here ya go.

Here ya go.

This bird's gonna fly!  WAUGH!

This bird's gonna fly!  WAUGH!

I, for one, am glad that ARK Music Factory has reinstated proper usage of the verb "to be".  As in: "We ARE gonna have a good time."  Rebecca Black's egregious oversight was a black spot on American culture as a whole and now, thanks to Nicole Westbrook, our country can finally move on from this national nightmare. 

I, for one, am glad that ARK Music Factory has reinstated proper usage of the verb "to be".  As in: "We ARE gonna have a good time."  Rebecca Black's egregious oversight was a black spot on American culture as a whole and now, thanks to Nicole Westbrook, our country can finally move on from this national nightmare. 

Social protest style!

Social protest style!

For some reason, I read that as "only to have her start raping."  Which would make for a more interesting video.

For some reason, I read that as "only to have her start raping."  Which would make for a more interesting video.

Would you like to add our BIG-ASS FRIES??

Would you like to add our BIG-ASS FRIES??

Since when is the 4th of July in April?  Damn you, ARK Music Factory!

Since when is the 4th of July in April?  Damn you, ARK Music Factory!

She has bigger tits than Tom Cruise, which makes her a more palatable plot device.

She has bigger tits than Tom Cruise, which makes her a more palatable plot device.

The less said about Gungan style, the better.

The less said about Gungan style, the better.