
It is a credit to the artistry of this show, that when I saw the White Walker up close,  all I could think was 'holy. fuck'.  It was magnificent.  There was a grandeur and a texture to that character that really awed me.  I owe those makeup guys a beer.  Well done, lads.

And holy crap,  I forgot to mention Osha, who I think is one of the most naturally attractive women on the show.  But I'm an artsy guy.  Artsy guys like women without makeup who might be serious trouble.  So yeah, Osha and Yara definitely make the cut.

And holy crap,  I forgot to mention Osha, who I think is one of the most naturally attractive women on the show.  But I'm an artsy guy.  Artsy guys like women without makeup who might be serious trouble.  So yeah, Osha and Yara definitely make the cut.

Aw, c'mon.  Danaerys is completely, utterly adorable, even in whiny-entitled mode.  It's funny,  Emilia Clarke looks skinnier in civilian life,  it seems like she puts on a little bit of baby-fat to play the young Targaryen.  I very much approve.

Aw, c'mon.  Danaerys is completely, utterly adorable, even in whiny-entitled mode.  It's funny,  Emilia Clarke looks skinnier in civilian life,  it seems like she puts on a little bit of baby-fat to play the young Targaryen.  I very much approve.

Really?  This seems like it was telegraphed pretty clearly from early in the show.  The Hound was disfigured by Gregor shoving him face first INTO A F*CKING FIREPLACE, as explained by Littlefinger in Season 1.

Really?  This seems like it was telegraphed pretty clearly from early in the show.  The Hound was disfigured by Gregor shoving him face first INTO A F*CKING FIREPLACE, as explained by Littlefinger in Season 1.

First off:  I loved this episode.  It WAS genuinely thrilling, and The Hound is indeed a compelling character who I felt owned this episode completely.  But I must agree with Antoniooo on his assessment of the season as a whole.  Good, but not as great as Season 1.  I am happy to hear they will start to dedicate

First off:  I loved this episode.  It WAS genuinely thrilling, and The Hound is indeed a compelling character who I felt owned this episode completely.  But I must agree with Antoniooo on his assessment of the season as a whole.  Good, but not as great as Season 1.  I am happy to hear they will start to dedicate

My one gripe, how does Osha's nudity help everyone escape?*

Also, since the beginning of olde-timeyness, scads of olde-timey people have talked about, written about, heck even DRAWN creatures they'd only experienced second-hand.  Anybody seen old artist renderings of whales?  They looked like Patton Oswalt got a toothache and fucked a CHUD!

What does she do in the book?

If this show has achieved anything, it is this:  Convincing me that the best thing for the world would be for a little girl to stab an old man in the face and set his grandson on fire.

I think Jorah (I can't remember the actor's name) has actually conveyed quite subtly that he is, in fact, very interested in Dany and not just for her 'leadership qualities'.  Her attitude towards him is much more ambiguous.  But I'll say this, they have way more sexual chemistry/tension that I've detected in the

Hey guys!  I'm new here, wazzup?  Heckuva episode, huh?  Who's this idiotking dude you're all talking about, and what—if anything—is his deal?  I'm gonna hang up now and just listen to your reply over the radio!  Thanks!

Agreed, Mandaliet.  Unlike Game of Thrones, SNL would have to include explicit sexual content to render it watchable at this point.  Not humdrum missionary sex, either.  I'm talking really freakish, barnyard stuff.

I think maybe the message might be a little more nuanced than that—  It's not that blackheartedness that necessarily has the advantage, it's BRAINS.  Ned Stark was a great, brave, strapping, honorable dude who was fatally naive about the ability for right to simply overcome wrong.

I haven't read the books, but I've heard rumors that Selmy still has a part to play.  I also think Ser Selmy and the actor playing him are great, so I hope it's true.

True, I was wondering about Arya's wolf as well.  In fact, before it was revealed as Bran's dream, I thought the wolf at the pond was Arya's wolf that had found its way back to Winterfell.

I loved 'Infinite Jest'.  Although it is certainly clunky, and ridiculously overwritten in places, and you have to be patient through the first 250 pages.  Yeah, that's right… It doesn't really begin to take shape until about 250 pages in.  But ultimately it's a pretty great book and I missed it so much when I