Rocketlaunching Wombat

But in T2 they didn't prevent Judgment Day, even though everyone thinks they did. See, Judgment Day had already happened BEFORE the first terminator went back and got crushed. So them finding the broken chip and arm accelerated when Judgment Day happened because of the technological progress they could make, but it

This will likely not happen before Game of Thrones ends its run, which makes my hope for a spinoff Point/Counter-Point style debate show with Al Swearengen and Tywin Lannister increasingly unlikely.

Star Wars: Stylistically Designed To Be That Way

So a gun is not allowed,
but several times in the trailer fire is pointed directly at the camera. Rorschach sprays fire at us with his homemade flamethrower, the Comedian does with an actual flamethrower, and a building explodes and fire comes flying out at us, and all in slower, deliberate shots.