occasional commenter

Completely disagree.  Hate looking out on a sea of phones. Aside from the distraction, audiences at shows are supposed to be in the dark, you're there to watch the performers, light show etc.

@Dikachu:disqus  - ?taht od u did woh kcuf yloH

Do you know how percentages work?

@avclub-0a7d7a81e8e3a20e4c34748e98ef45f6:disqus  - Real Don's stuff was shipped to Anna and she gave it to Fake Don?

@InterplanetJanet:disqus , @avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus ,  I think Don does some deep research when it's for a client.  They've shown him reading books and other bits, and I think not just "for the client", I think he genuinely gets into it. I could certainly see him going to a museum if he was

@avclub-56ae46005de507d3d4437c4ddd8ff1bc:disqus ,  @disqus_okgItcD0yy:disqus , sorry I'm a tad late on this.  I think that "i do know, it's my job" stuff is absolutely a part of the job.  Many times thoughout the show, various characters have referred to the fact that clients want that kind of confidence and guidance

@avclub-6c6094f256f51e83fe02bce6091163e7:disqus , @avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus  - can you guys link the scene? I can't recall the MP YP thing…. thanks in advance for your cooperation (only if you have time, of course).

I had not heard that but totally believe it.  I mean, I'm sure he does not have a great singing voice, but that is SO bad, and Wahlberg was a 'recording artist' first….

YES this is excellent.  His guitar playing is surprisingly good too.  As I've revisited this film over the years, Reilly and Phil Seymor Hoffman truly stand out.  It's akin to how a great drummer, Keith Moon, John Bonham etc., contribute to a great song.

@avclub-efe3192d78a1ce56ee8080149d5de969:disqus   jesus christ that's the heartiest lol I've had from the AVC in a looooong time. RIP Ebert

That yellow mesh top is burned into my brain.  The show's ok, she's obviously got some talent, but Why, Lena, WHY???

The animation during Goodbye Blue Sky for the current Roger tour is great.  Can't seem to find on YouTube. Below from Wikipedia

Wankery = Yes and their ilk, Floyd is much more straight-ahead rock, with some longish songs.

@avclub-0edf30a984c91fe16daa1a9d45f2e08f:disqus  - Hey I hope you know I was just busting your chops.  I like Floyd (not that I spend much time with Floyd anymore) and am a "devout" athiest, but appreciate why anyone would feel exactly the opposite on both counts.  I would never set foot in a church, but fully

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus  - thanks, I knew that once a long time ago…

What's the difference between slacks and pants? What's the origin of the word slacks? Such a weird, weird word.

Sounds like everything turned out ok, except that you never got into Floyd and you now go to church.

He was pretty cool on recent visits to Jon Stewart and Howard Stern. On both he mocked his miserable self of those years.

Not much of a South Park fan, but there was a rerun on sometime late last night (I was kind of drunk sleeping with the tv on, so not sure when) and they had a kind of Heavy Metal parody going. It was pretty damn funny and included both the Don Henley (right? or is it Eagles?) and the Sam Hagar versions of "Heavy

Is this new? I love this.